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i like conveyor belt sushi for the same reason i'm a fan of in-kernel HTTP. mostly jump over cactuses

my machine has 18 cores, 128gb of ram, has 3 5k displays, and cost me more than a small car, and somehow the dinosaur game on chrome still drops frames

you know that denial-of-service where you sprinkle the tiniest amount of black powder on the outside of someone's carry on?

the bitcoin equivalent would be to find someone's exchange deposit address and send ransomware proceeds there.

twitch vs 4chan 

@kayden @eris probably going to stay on masto for a bit at least after moving hosts first. i'd love to find a managed service

@kayden @eris my mastodon instance only looks at l3 ip (which is all the same due to docker userspace proxy) and rate limits everything, so my fedi experience is already super broken without patching masto (no knob to disable per-IP rate limiting otherwise).

at this point i'm just sort of used to masto being busted. i'll port whatever is required from my db to my new host.

@kayden @eris i don't know what i'm doing and i don't want to learn the activitypub protocol and the internal database structure of two webapps to switch hosts.

@kayden @eris is there a an explainer document or howto anywhere?

does anyone want to run/admin a pleroma or mastodon instance for me and take full responsibility for managing it? quote me a price, i am happy to pay.

@eris this is an interesting question, i would immediately assume "it's a trap" as many nations have already effectively outlawed large cash transactions.

@eris thanks for the info though; just one more rock on the road of not using twitter. i wish there were non-nerd fedi devs that spend time on earth

@eris i will keep the domain/id unchanged. i am the admin of this server so whatever IDs are in this database can be moved as-is to the new host.

the fact that fedi software fucking blows and expects me to change my brand name simply because it sucks at internal identifiers is a bug, it's not my problem.

sneak boosted
sneak boosted

is there a mastodon-to-pleroma migration guide? is pleroma easy to run in a docker container with a tls frontend (like traefik/caprover)?

alternately, can someone recommend a good managed masto host (i want to continue to use my existing id and domain)

@socjuswiz i think i may have muted all of (on my single user instance; i wouldn't mute third parties for other people)

come to think of it i don't think i ever had a single positive interaction from that domain

@stux @glow root cause versus proximate cause. everyone likes to get pitchforky over addressing one vs the other. in an inconvenient turn of events, addressing either will actually prevent the undesirable outcome.

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