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@zeh it's proprietary and centralized by design. the web is in fact proprietary and centralized around custom apis and centralized webservers and databases.

it's fine if you think signal should federate and shouldn't be centralized, but signal made those choices for reasons and stands by them, so criticizing them should be done on that basis (it doesn't federate) instead of throwing around proprietary like a slur. signal doesn't make any nonfree software. microsoft/github do.

i am very curious to see how much the new 16" MBP alu case does or does not suck. just 2-3 more weeks.

what's your favorite weird movie that makes you feel feelings that you don't have words to name?

bonus points if those feelings are the point and the movie subordinates plot resolution or narrative structure to those feels

there's a thing that Villeneuve does that i love: he tells a story with plain bare spaces. the vertical entry tube in arrival. the heptapods' salon. the lawn on which the heptapods' ship is parked. the designer's room in blade runner. the archive library in blade runner. gurney's sparring studio in dune.

this is one of my favorite things done by Kosinski, too (the sky apartment in oblivion, the dude's apartment in tron2).

@obsolete29 firefox is way less secure than the js sandbox in chrome, and firefox is also spyware.

@ang3l12 i like the udm-pro so far. it has a very fast controller, and is a very good router, and also has 10ge sfp+ up and downlinks.

@ang3l12 i watched the first 15 minutes. the movie is only the first half, it is a two part thing, and the second film hasn't even begun shooting yet afaik. i am not excited.

tools can be both free software and proprietary at the same time: the github CLI is one such example. VS code is another. these work primarily (or only) with closed, proprietary service platforms.

@tedu mindshare. they are going to slowly boil the frog and make it okay to participate in open source ecosystems with proprietary tools, and anyone without those tools will eventually become second class citizens. see how they changed the ssh tab for checkouts on github to github cli commands.

@bitcoinmagazine technical analysis has no scientific basis. it is not useful at all for predicting the future. throwing around TA jargon is a waste of everyone's time, just use tea leaves and show everyone what charlatans you are see also: nuclear weapons. as crazy as MAD doctrine is, it seems to have worked. i mean weapons also have defensive uses. if you can bomb in retaliation people are deterred from bombing you. it's not like the secret that aeroplanes work could be kept from those who would murder you

colossus: the forbin project is a much better movie than either wargames or terminator, and yet it is relatively unknown. better treatment of the topic, better ending, better evil computer voice, better everything how about a nice game of chess

through the grapevine i hear about many more people getting sick now than two or three months ago. ICUs are still full, moreso than they were at previous peaks. testing in the usa is expensive and inaccessible, i think the numbers in the media are massively underrepresenting the spread.

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