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what's the cheapest mobile provider in germany? i'm getting fucked over by o2.

it's amazing to me how many emails i get from startups that assume that by dropping their name i have any idea who they are or what they do or why they exist.

just because i have a login on your site doesn't mean i remember or care who you are. you have to reintroduce yourself in the first paragraph.

redbubble's unsubscribe-from-spamming-me-because-i-bought-a-thing-one-time landing page plays a gif of a unicorn's horn breaking off when you choose the "unsubscribe from all" option.

fuck you, redbubble. what is your question?

the difference between me and erdös is that i don't get $500 at the end of february

@lemming anyone who is relying on firefox for security is doing it wrong

does node-pre-gyp (used by sqlite3 to download precompiled binaries) do hash verification?

if i were the nsa/cia and wanted to backdoor infrastructure, i'd have a thing built into s3 (cia is a large aws customer, mind you) that allows me to selectively serve backdoored binaries into node process space via the mapbox-node-binary bucket.

@berkes i specifically hate creating accounts and dealing with payments to multiple sites/databases, so this approach is a nonstarter. i want a single non-amazon vendor to deal with who has a huge selection so i can buy all my books there.

yeah it's the sqlite3 package, when running "node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build".

node-pre-gyp http GET mapbox-node-binary.s3.amazonaw

guess it's downloading the precompiled sqlite3, and not the node binary.

for years, for reasons that have been unclear to me, doing an "npm install sqlite3" or "yarn add sqlite3" (or perhaps sequelize?) fetches a precompiled node binary from an s3 bucket called mapbox-node-binary. mapbox must be paying a small fortune in bandwidth for this bucket.

being able to nope out of the typescript safety zone with 'any' periodically is handy. for some reason i don't have the same readiness to use interface{} in go, even though it's the same thing.

@berkes yeah my library is split half and half between CONUS and Berlin; at the moment I refer to US-based sellers (also for shipping cost)

@ldubost the surveillance capitalism market is way bigger than 1T. facebook is a symptom, not the cause.

what are some of the best places to buy used books that aren't amazon?

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