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@flabbonix indeed i might. if i were looking to waste many dozens of hours and many thousands of dollars, though, i would go with the hookers and cocaine route, it's a much more fun way to lose huge amounts of time and money.

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Boosted my GPD Win3 with an eGPU (Razer core X Chroma + Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti).
I now have more power when docking my #GPDWin3 at home 😅

uber is forcing me to agree to a new TOS to use the gift card money already loaded onto my account weeks ago.

"i have altered the deal. pray i do not alter it further."

@O the audio reproduction tech is obscenely advanced, literally nothing else that size and price comes remotely close to the level of audio tech and quality in them. there are a half dozen non-obvious technical features they did that are so involved that nobody else has bothered

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@vriska @georgia
>king sized
>able to be purchased by those without monarchal status
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imagine having to google where to buy young male chicken for breeding :think:

the DRM preventing them from using their onboard bluetooth hardware

i am violently angry at the sheer human accomplishment that the homepods are. the fact that they were discontinued is quite literally for those who know a national shame.

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for balance, here's one where he says a lot of shit that isn't on schedule at all:

"We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone ... Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone." —Steve Jobs, April 2010

well, i use a pixel now, so there's that

@alexandra @HerbSteelbranch you smell like a mammal and you behave like a mammal and you reproduce like a mammal and you either lactate or associate closely with lactators

@colinsmatt11 @ben lol learn how to torrent and use ida

sneak boosted

2022 be like "This facial recognition software has accidentally put your grandmother on a drone strike target list"

@colinsmatt11 @ben all software is free software

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