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it's been five hours since i've been able to talk to my friend in moscow on signal. perhaps the vpn censorship (which was intermittent in the last few days) is more consistent now.

according to pg17, us tax dollars are being used to put backdoors/rootkits on servers at military universities in germany (a nato ally)

whoever's running the nsa is being really foolish.

i really want to like worakls but he's just not dark and dirty enough. def really talented, i just wish he would use his talents for evil instead

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@berkes it reenters those 12 houses and harms the inhabitants. you should never burn wood within 1km of any human, it is a health hazard. gas is a zillion times safer.

having significant lag talking to my russian friends via signal, they use vpns to access. this bodes ill.

i used to be befuddled by humans, now i am just way too consistently disappointed in how predictable large groups are

@berkes woodsmoke is extremely dangerous to humans and is vastly more polluting than ng. your decrease in profit to russia is tiny. your damage to yourself, family, and neighbors is large. net loss.

almost nobody is reporting in depth on the simultaneous and larger information war happening

i have long suspected that the west with its lack of credibility and faux-honesty is ill equipped to wage and win a full scale information/propaganda war, which is what is now happening on earth.

the majority of the population of earth is receiving and will continue to receive completely fabricated information which bears only a cursory resemblance to the truth. the majority receiving same will believe in the truth of their inputs, both in censored media environments and non. this means you.

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