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A spaceship landed, and an alien emerged.
"We come in peace," they said, "Take us to your librarian."
"Er... Don't you mean our leader?"
"Why? We already have leaders."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

@Chris_Sigurdson why is it so hard to think that the simplest explanation (that he simply believes in publishing for all) is accurate?
i don't like trump but i hate restrictive censorship TOSes more.

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Introducing the first alpha release of Mastodon 3.11 for Workgroups!

Available for Windows 95 :BlobhajShock:

@metlos @adrianhon i seriously think that. how could you know better than another adult what they should be allowed to see and read?

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@neglesaks @sneak
The instance I'm on was defederated by lots of instances a while back. Nothing to do with me. Consequently, there were lots of people I could no longer follow, and I lost followers.

it's a bummer that all y'all are here simply because you hate elon; it means that most of the influx to the fediverse lately has been trend-following idiots.

maybe some good will come of it.

the best part about covid being a bit more under control for a little while in 2022 is that it allowed me to resume being a slut

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Rappers: bust a cap in each other
Media: :comfy: calm
Rappers: audit the fed
Media: :blobcattableflip:

@root you should sell squares on how long this takes to happen

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inb4 one of those mastodon ppl who always brings race into things unrelated to race turns out to be racefaking

@emily yes "ssn trace" is just an upsell to get an extra $49 from the mark running the check (which is 100% profit)

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@adrianhon every time you see someone say "moderate content" think "censor things for adult users who are perfectly capable of using their own block button if they wish"

report, slur in screenshot 

defederating instances means you limit the reach of the content of the users on your own instance. defederation cuts both ways. you should let your own users block content they don't want to see. defederation should be used only for cases of spam or things it is literally illegal for you to have on your hard drive. if you find content objectionable, let your users choose if they want to block it or not from their own eyeballs.

report, slur in screenshot 

@mukona @kgibson i am moving back to selfhosted email. i already put in all the legwork to make a mailserver container.

@hiramfromthechi it's happening in non-finder processes simply by having images in folders on the local machine. "mediaanalysisd" etc.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!