one of my favorite youtube videos
@m0xee i'm not sure? sounds like Hypokondriak might also be part of this concept? i didn't know about this
@velobetty this is obviously false, a highway carrying busses full of people moves way more people than a highway full of people walking, even if it's full.
@sleep what is the pointing device called on a twinkpad?
@velobetty it's only an inequity if you consider people on foot can never be inside of cars, or people in cars can never be on foot. it's available to all people in vehicles and all people on foot equally. anyone can choose their mode of transport. this video also doesn't show the busses that regularly transit the intersection.
@danirabbit i'm not sure this conclusion follows from the premise
@TerribleMaps usa (mostly) doesn't have registered firearms :)
@str4d i giggle every time i use it as a PIV smartcard because i know a lot of TLA expansions and i'm 13 years old. MSM and CBT are other funny overloaded ones.
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