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@m0xee russia can't shut down every iphone factory in one hour with a phone call. you seem to forget that apple is more dependent on china than any other organization anywhere, including usa

@icy i suppose i could fold up a bag very small and keep it in my backpack at all times whilst in this hippie country

icloud in china is run by a chinese company, not apple, and their privacy policy is very very clear about what privacy you can expect when using icloud in china.

"privacy, that's apple"

@icy that requires that i know in advance when i am going to shop

the only thing the german habit of not providing free grocery bags has done is cost me an extra €4 every time i shop and increased my plastic bag disposal mass by approximately 30x

Looks like Nextcloud's synchronization program said everything was synced but actually dozens and dozens of my photos from the last few years are zero length files.

When attempting to download my nextcloud files on a different machine, I installed the client app and it says sync is done/finished/ok, but it's only synced down 40GB from the server which claims to have 300GB of data, also.

Don't use Nextcloud, don't trust PHP developers, don't trust Euro data hippies.

stay in your goddamned lane you little owl fuck

why the fuck does duolingo want to upload my address book wtf

@phil_stevens nothing that happens in NZ affects the world

israel has no right to exist as a country or government

palestine has no right to exist as a country or government

why is it never anyone with good or important or quality art that is drumming up pitchfork mobs against established and successful businesses that everyone likes? why is it always no-name losers with uninspired artistic output?

imagine working hard for years and getting booked to play at berghain and them having to cancel your booking because you care more about being a pick me virtue signaler than a dj

boeing can not and will not go out of business. the farce that they are not just an organ of the US military willl have to be dropped somewhat, however.

we should have an XDA standard extension that specifies a path for downloaded ML models that multiple ML apps need access to so they don't each redownload them.

sneak boosted

I love tech, but tech is unapproachable and inhumane 

sneak boosted

You open up a Commodore 64, and the box says "welcome to the world of friendly computing."

You turn on a modern PC, and it immediately threatens your data unless you agree to save your data to *their* cloud service.

That right there is why we talk about vintage computers. Folks need to be reminded of what's possible.

#Commodore64 #VintageComputing

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