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@juliank @scops it takes about a billion dollars more than "nice icon bitmaps" to make a DE not ugly

@realcaseyrollins i'll bet you that no coronavirus restrictions remain anywhere in the global west past the end of 2021.

@juliank @scops i've never seen a linux DE that wasn't ugly, in any environment or on any distro.

@juliank it's not going to space, space is 100km up, it's going 12.5km up, and then more than likely freefalling to earth and exploding

Cyberpunk 2077 seizure PSA 

@scops all other browsers that show the full hostname are slower than this one, so my options are functional xor fast.

@scops i have a lot of computers and cpus, at least 100 in this lab. that doesn't change the fact that linux won't run on the fastest cpu in this building.

@scops and also won't run at all on the fastest CPU in this building

@scops linux desktop environments are ugly trash

i've slept something like 5 hours in 32 and i'm only still awake right now because that giant steel dong is headed skyward toward its fiery death any fuckin' minute now

@ChampagneSupernovaX apple only grants VPN entitlement signatures to app store apps, you can't self-distribute notarized VPN apps. the only way you can get app store apps is with an Apple ID, even free ones.

thus, no ID, no NetworkExtension entitlement signatures. period.

want anonymity via a VPN? show ID.

on one hand, it's going to be sad when the web dies. on the other hand, the normies will leave.

this time, however, it won't just be academics and nerds; most of those people will be on surveillance platforms, never to look back. it'll just be us degenerates.

@sir small, discredited, infrequented by most, about to get torn down and turned into a heavily policed, no-rulebreaking park full of normies?

sneak boosted
sneak boosted

my browser won't show me the full hostname i'm connecting to. can't reinstall my OS on any of my main devices without phoning home to a manufacturer for crypto signatures. can't install a VPN app without showing ID.

is this dystopia yet?

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