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Is it a coincidence that the two encrypted commo apps on my iPhone keep crashing upon launch?

@black6 no introspection on your device, so i guess you'll never know! @gray (didn't see any item named "Processor Name".) @gray Hardware Overview section lists for Chip (third under Model Name "MacBook Air", Model Identifier "MacBookAir10,1") "Apple M1".

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**FOR SALE** I've got 5 DVD rewinders left worth $40 I'm selling at $10 each it would be a great Christmas present inbox me for more details

@kelena you're wrong. there are similar coverups happening in most states, and it's also happening in china, in russia, in japan, in india.... this is simply not a partisan issue. at all.

apple is censoring the covid-themed display hack from xscreensaver in the ios app store:

i think "progress over perfection" may become my new motto.

@kelena pretty sure every single state tries to hide these deaths. incompetence is not a partisan issue, or even a national one.

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@rage for the same reason they support FAT: their userbase likes to read and write to disks that contain those filesystems.

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how insane is it that in 2020 macos doesn't have native readwrite support for ext2/3 in the OS

@realcaseyrollins if you seriously doubt this then bet me. name a price.

if an M1 mac has previously connected to an authenticated wifi, and you wipe its disk, there is no way to erase the wifi creds from nvram because cmd-opt-P-R is no more, you need the recovery partition and the nvram util to wipe it.

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