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i wish all my switches and linux boxes would let me just plug all their ethernet ports together and automatically detect loops and bond appropriately et c. i can set them all to trunks, and add them all to bridges on linux, but it won't bond them (afaik it will do STP and shut one side down to prevent a loop) automagically if two are plugged in to the same switch. @wowaname @iron_bug you aren't talking about anarchy, you're talking about socialism. they are fundamentally incompatible: there is no central authority to redistribute value if you subscribe to anarchism. anarcho-socialists are people who don't understand anarchism or socialism.

@SuperDicq @methyltheobromine the police will eventually strap gas dispensers to them, or bombs

@methyltheobromine important to note that that is upside down and facing the camera, so that the handle is pulled down and toward the person if the robot is facing you. also important to note that the shoulder and elbow joints are pinch points and can easily remove fingers. you reach under the "face" directly in the middle, grab the handle, and pull down and toward you, while avoiding the arms. @wowaname @iron_bug lots of creation is done individually. all work is performed by individual humans. to divide the fruits of individual labor to "all people" is, as has been repeatedly demonstrated over and over on earth, impossible, insane, and incredibly destructive. the false utopia siren's song is very loud, apparently.

just bought a 6028U-TRTP+ to replace my failing 12-bay 2U supermicro @wowaname @iron_bug the fundamental issue that i have with socialism is that it presumes that some party other than the value-producer is to determine the worth of that value, or the owner of that value. it's fundamentally insane to deny an individual person the fruits of their own labor, be it physical or creative. socialism says that groups get to decide the value, instead of the creating person, without whom, the value would not exist at all. the idea is inherently unjust. @wowaname @iron_bug

it's really obvious to everyone but socialists that looting the most productive members of your society is wrong and bad. @iron_bug good thing justice is objectively defined and easy to apply algorithmically, i can rest easy knowing that unproductive people won't show up in numbers and steal from me. oh wait @wowaname @iron_bug

socialism requires theft to work right; marx admits this over and over again. stealing from others is wrong; it astounds me that socialists as well as more modern political philosophies have still yet to get the memo.

@INSTALLGENTOO @iron_bug you can take your own great leap forward at any time.

@INSTALLGENTOO @iron_bug starvation awaits you :)

sneak boosted

@tedu does this mean they get to deprioritize canadian content in other countries? because i could do with a lot less LTT shilling. @iron_bug yeah, i'd prefer not to work, but to produce efficiencies from which i can profit without working, which enrich everyone. i opt out of your proposed system.

@nytpu @kunde_x tbh i don't care what anyone thinks about the original, just as long as we can all get together on the plain fact that 2049 sucks really, really bad.

@iron_bug slavic people have a good and valuable recent perspective on socialism-in-practice, i find.

if the new small imacs are any indication, the new large imacs are going to be fucking gorgeous.

@Dee it's not, though - you can get issued a leaf cert from any of many different CAs, not just LE.

@yojimbo my instance is also banned by m.t for the admin's personal crusade against me, so i can't follow any of those ~20k

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