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putting this fxo/fxs pcie card in this box and moving the whole box upstairs made it super flaky. i wonder if it's the cheapo pbx card or if vacuuming the mobo hosed the ram or sth

@Dee correct, but iirc the certs are good for 90 days and they renew with weeks of headroom. LE could be offline for hundreds of hours and properly configured servers would all be fine.

@nytpu blade runner is a movie about philosophy and its implications. blade runner 2049 is an action movie about ryan gosling's jackets and punching. please do not compare them.

cursed game things 

@Dee that's not really what centralized means. all of the issued certs work fine even if LE is totally offline.

lspci freezes the whole box and requires a hard power cycle, lol. (it still responds to pings, though, so maybe it's just userspace that died? whotf knows)

yes hello could you please recommend people for me to follow? i don't have enough fedi content.

@xnx38h i wonder how much he gets paid for the sponsorship from microsoft

sneak boosted
sneak boosted

@coolboymew this is how i feel about white furniture and white shoes in general

sneak boosted "the system" is literally everyone - producing value and lowering prices benefits all who participate.

@lxo the system exerts no control or subjugation over you: you get to choose your role within it.

ugh those cool flip-up 1U keyboard/monitor slide out trays are still $800 even though higher res, thinner monitors are $50 and keyboards are $10 and 1u metal trays are $50 now.

sent two FOIA requests for all records related to me to FBI and CBP today. this should be fun. wonder if i get denied on a technicality? or if they want $$$$ for time to assemble response? uhh, one of the core tenets of capitalism is that there is no "they". you, as anyone, are allowed (and encouraged!) to start a business yourself, employ others, produce and create value for all. tbh i think the top one should read "fuck you, discover card and diner's club"

the FOIA portal that the CBP uses has google analytics on it, just in case you were still confused about the level of corporate-government surveillance integration

@eriol @mindspillage ahh that makes sense. i always thought it was a "omg scary hackers might see me" thing, as if faces were secret. i do a lot of video calls and a minor amount of public speaking, it never made much sense to me. thanks for explaining

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