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"I have faith in Denis Villeneuve and his new version of Dune starring Timothée Chalamet. But it will probably be a normal movie for normal people, in which characters with recognizable emotions talk in a recognizable way and move through a plot we understand to achieve clearly defined goals. Which is all fine and good, but how likely is it to inspire sick beats for '90s kids doing ecstasy?"

spot fucking on

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you: a sick or wounded animal
him: the last thing you see
there is not an atom of sympathy in the pitiless oynx scarab of his eye

amazon is now recommending fake covid cures in suggested products.

apparently the ivermectin people have moved on to fenbenzadole

i want a way of automatically syncing noscript/ublock origin/cookie autodelete settings between my instances of ungoogled-chromium.

@surfingalot the xps is just quad core (iirc) 32gb though. the 16" is ten core, 64gb, 8tb, and has that ridiculous GPU

@ang3l12 oh interesting! i don't use injectors though because ubnt gig poe switches are so crazy cheap.

fortunately i was able to export the site config and re-import it and swap the hardware without having to re-adopt anything! i was pleasantly surprised.

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I'd appreciate a little more warning to get my life in order, Apple.

instead of being at the part of human development where i am trying to become 5kg smaller, i would prefer to be at the part of human development where a healthy size for people is no less than a radius of 2 to 3 AU

i named my m1 macbook air tracer because it is small fast and gay

it doesn't help my overall feelings about the future of apple or the macos that the default desktop background in 11.x is sofa king ugly

also you should be able to publish bigoted things as a publisher without your staff going galaxy brain and thinking it is an endorsement. are those who publish mein kampf or host shockley videos subject to employee walkouts too? broadcast is not uncritical endorsement, fools

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"maintaining a culture of trust and transparency is core to our company,” a #Netflix spokesperson told the Guardian, as explanation for why they fired a trans employee who allegedly leaked internal documents to the press. 🙃

if what i am told about the chappelle special is true (that it is edgy but not explicitly anti-trans) then i hope netflix fires those that walk out. i haven't seen the special though, so if it is indeed bigoted then fair play, but i have read that this is sjw overreaction to a famous person having edgy-but-unbigoted opinions on $UNTOUCHABLE_TOPIC. i am curious to actually see if chappelle is a dickhead, though, and will pirate the show sometime.

i have developed a fascination with metals for some reason? i have a whole closet full of crushed cans i need to melt, tungsten cubes, spheres, and coins and bars. send help (or palladium)

four new pens type A and B have arrived from cwandt. wait until the tungsten crypto bros find out about these

one of the best five ads apple ever did. ipad pro 1, portugal. the man, and berlin all featured prominently. i sometimes wonder if this ad is why that song charted, because this used it before it blew up.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!