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friends dont link friends to reddit without using

upgrade from the cloud key g1 and the usg to the udm-pro was surprisingly smooth. the usg-pro is so much faster than the g1 cloud key it's not even funny.

holy shit i have native ipv6 on my residential cable connection

my 13" xps that cost under $4k has a much higher screen dpi than the $6500 16" m1max apple laptop i ordered today. :(

it's a shame apple's software division isn't anywhere near as good as apple's hardware division.


@surfingalot the ppi of the 13" xps is much higher than the m1 air or even the $6500 m1max mbp i purchased today

perhaps the biggest surprise beyond the fact that the udm-pro comes with docker preinstalled (and uses it to run the whole unifi controller thing) is that it also has jq and iptraf-ng preinstalled too.

never buying a laptop with less than 3840x2400 now that i have been so thoroughly spoiled by the screen in the 13" xps.

later today after sleep i have to figure out how to migrate my config from a cloud key g1 and usg to a udm-pro without re-adopting my devices because they are on the 18 foot tall ceiling and i can't reach the reset pinhole without a ladder i don't have

@tk @_roko @dubh i think most NPCs simply drive by alternating between foot on gas or foot on brake. you see brake lights come on with no actual braking, instead of just coasting.

it would be cool if apple made an ios lite that does a tiny subset of the full functionality of ios, that is blistering fast on all devices.

privacy issues aside, iOS is getting worse. there are a lot of features for features' sake, and lots of bloat. some of it is amazing (eg continuity, for those that use icloud), and the new camera OCR, but most stuff added since ios7 isn't that great.

@calcifer or those fucking evangelical assholes with the bells in front of the shops

sneak boosted

evolution didn't make giraffes tall. it made giraffes a bell curve, normal distribution of various heights.

then for thousands of years, millions and millions of the unlucky short ones starved to death, emaciated ribs poking out, before they could reproduce. gradually the center of the bell curve shifted right.

1600/day are dying of covid in the usa, while vaccines that almost entirely prevent death are widely available for free.

it's the same for intelligence. it takes a long time.

@cnx @amolith i selfhost gitea and drone. it's a good setup i can recommend. i can give you an account if you like?

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