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it's a real bummer that display connection technology is bifurcated for pc/mac. i have two really nice 5k high dpi displays (lg ultrafine) that connect only with tb3 usbc, designed for use with macs, and i would love to hook them up to a kvm and use them with my PCs here that have high end GPUs but those don't speak thunderbolt, so i have mac monitors and pc monitors and they won't talk to each other.

are there pc monitors that are as nice as the lg 5k ultrafine ones (nice: ppi/dpi)?

@MischievousTomato only $2500, the 128gb box was quite costly when i built it.

why is everything cloud-enabled now? i got a ledger nano s and the app you use to update its firmware wants you to agree to a privacy policy and terms of service and presumably uploads my serial number somewhere i don't want it to go. why do people tolerate this shit?

@MischievousTomato i got an hp omen 64gb gaming box with 3070. i'll put the 3090 in that and that will be the dedicated VR/vidya machine, and the 128gb machine with the 3070 from that box will become a Real Work computer.

@MischievousTomato i think i'll steal the gpu from my windows/gaming box (128gb ram, i9 extreme 10c) and resume using it as a workstation and put the 3090 in a lower end box just for running the VR headset

@MischievousTomato i would prefer a computer computer rather than a laptop, i already have plenty of displays and it isnt' going to go anywhere

my 128gb 10core i9 extreme with the 3090 has ended up not dual-booting any longer but single-booting windoze to do VR and games. i need a linux workstation. maybe i will get a lower end computer and move 3090 to it for VR and use that box for Serious Business.

@MischievousTomato pc means intel/amd. i already have an m1 max macbook pro on order (64gb/8tb/max/max/max natch) but i need an x64 machine that can run linux.


i have LG 5k thunderbolt (usbc) displays. i would like to buy a small form factor pc with 32-64gb of ram that can drive them at 5k. please advise.

@wowaname @PeterSanchez @genmaicha i'm living proof there's no lock-in unless you opt in to it. i don't use facetime, imessage, icloud, et c.

@cnx also none of my macs have cost a colossal amount of money. my 28 core xeon imac pro has cost me <$500/mo amortized over the time i have had it ($14k total), and the mbp m1 max i just ordered was only $6k.

i know non-wealthy people who spend more on car insurance than i spend on top-of-the-line computers.

@cnx that would be an incorrect assessment. what i hate is apple's product design decisions, and their hypocritical marketing and privacy bullshit. they make the best computers and phones, by a wide margin, and have for a very long time.

sneak boosted

@PeterSanchez @genmaicha this question speaks more to your imagination than anything.

i'm pretty sure this isn't illegal (this is happening on an imac pro which, last i checked, is "apple-branded hardware") but i'm also pretty sure that it should be

i wonder what apple's akamai bill is each day

@why @nosleep it's sort of lame that he used the trump approach to free publicity though. and further lame that netflix's ceos were pressured into choosing a "side". the whole thing is just money hype.

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