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"it's like uber, but for holiday nights in busy urban environments"

@Dee @alexandra business card sized cropped blu-ray obvs

tray load only

what's something small and cheap that can do wireguard at 1gbps?

apparently pop os 20.10 is no longer supported. that makes sense now that it's already uhh, 21...... oh wait no

@nosleep the special is explicitly designed to troll. the things he said that are offensive ("i'm on team TERF") went unnoticed because they weren't jokes. the jokey shit he said was what got the media hype.

the worst part of the special was that he's mostly stopped being funny and has decided to try to be carlin.

i think due to a strange twist of fate, running monterey in kvm in a virtualbox popOS vm on catalina on my imac pro is actually allowed by cider daddy

when pc hardware is half as good as mac hardware i'll think about switching to a computer that's only half as good. until then, we wait

@genmaicha so you're ignorant of how much better it is to use a mac as a daily driver. cool. i have multiple mac, windows, and linux boxes within 3 meters of me. come back when you've enough experience to have an informed opinion and i'll be happy to have this discussion then and only then.

@PeterSanchez @genmaicha cool i'm glad it's all working out for you i'll be over here with my forty gpu laptop

@genmaicha it's the best of a ton of total shit options. you can have an ugly slow computer that takes up all of your free nights and weekends doing IT support toil, or you can have a pretty and fast machine that doesn't give you trouble as long as you stay on the beaten path. show me a better option and i'll switch, but a PC running linux or windows sure as fuck ain't it.

jwz wrote 10 days ago:

"Every major-numbered release of macOS is more annoying than the one before. Each release includes terrible new UI decisions, removes useful features you've come to depend on, and restricts the use of your computer as a general-purpose computer even more. It has probably been steadily down hill since OSX 10.8."

He's right.

@MilquetoastQT linux is improving but still Sucks Real Bad.

per the dsmos haiku, apple thinks i'm stealing because i run VMs.

i'm beginning to get annoyed with this company.

hmm the latest pop OS installer phones home on startup.

There is no way to install macOS 12.x Monterey (released yesterday) without an internet connection. If you have an offline M1 mac and you hook up a USB with the full 13GB installer .app on it (created with the ./createinstallmedia tool from it), even when you specify --downloadassets, it cannot be used to upgrade an airgapped machine.

There's now no way for me to know precisely what OS is running on my computer. And I just gave these pigfuckers $6.6k for a new one. :(

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