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@colinsmatt11 @ben those countries dont matter

@tio @aaron that is literally an objectively false statement. reducing revenue is not the same as losing money unless your margin is zero and if your margin is zero you wouldn't be doing it in the first place.

those pesky fiber-seeking machines even have underwater variants:

'Human activity' behind Svalbard cable disruption | The Independent Barents Observer @ben the world always needs authoritarians

i forgot that bradfitz invented openid. i'm going to use that (openid v1) as my sso now i think

lol the rfjason craigslist experiment cost rfjason >$70k in a default judgement. he represented himself.

the person who represents himself has a fool for a client

@tio @aaron you've constructed a fictional scenario to bolster your argument.

it's not hard to be honest in business and most people who are dishonest in business go out of business.

customers are not stupid

i don't understand why unused imports and unused variables are errors in golang. do you? can you explain it to me?

you don't have to be a company to need monitoring on your website. your personal website should have monitoring/alerting on it, so you can see if your hosting provider catches fire, or your tls cert expires, or whatever. it's free, set it up.

several times in the last week i have gone to personal websites of prominent people to find their TLS broken (or not supported at all) upon further reading i think librewolf is not actually a fork despite saying that on their website.

forking a project means you don't track them anymore, but begin to diverge.

to answer your question: firefox phones home to a ton of mozilla services, i would like a firefox that does not do that. no, that's a fork, according to their webpage. ungoogled chromium is like vscodium - it's not a fork, it's a patchset maintained against master.

@aaron trade doesn't make people consumers. consuming doesn't make people mindless. you've got your cause and effect all mixed up.

why doesn't ungoogled-unmozillaed-firefox exist? i'd use that.

why does mozilla have a special software license and not just use MIT or Apache or GPL? what about those aren't sufficient? what about the MPL is special/different?

@tio @aaron or you can just lower the price of your bananas instead of lying. it's not the act of being in business that induces people to lie.

super lame that the protonmail app on android won't do any sort of interval-based mail checking if you don't have play services installed. it literally depends 100% on proprietary push notifications via google (of all people) to know about new email, it has no other mechanism whatsoever.

just have it auto-refresh once an hour or something, jeez

@aaron trade is a human desire and you can't blame "trade" for things humans decide to do. trade improves human lives vastly and it's not a bad thing and it doesn't push anyone to lie, cheat, or steal - this is a fallacy pushed by anticapitalists. you should be critical of any *human* claiming anything, because companies cannot speak or make claims - only human beings can.

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