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I got asked about this by somebody from WIRED so I got some numbers together. I believe that Mastodon servers have gained around 49,000 new people since March. Our iOS app downloads rose by 109%. On, I am seeing a 71% increase in sign-ups and 36% increase in monthly active users as people are coming back to their old accounts.

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Twitter is blocking me from posting a link to my mastodon. If I try to post the link, it says:

"We can't complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as potentially harmful"

*Censorship* is harmful. This is an attack on my free speech.

I originally posted this on twitter:

I have now identified Twitter as potentially harmful.

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have y'all considered solving the cyberwar problem by just turning off the computers? we could raise goats. goats are cool, and most importantly, can't run UEFI bootkits.

@toastal you can get it and just not connect it to your network, leave it offline. for most appliances connectivity/apps are still optional.

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“Currently there might be a longer wait time than usual due to increased call volume. There are currently zero callers ahead of you.” 🤔

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if I can just interject for a moment, what you're calling GNU+Linux is more correctly known as Chromium+systemd+GNU+Freedesktop+Linux, or as I've taken to calling it {incomprehensible screeching noise}

@PeterSanchez lol everything hitler did was legal. have fun with your bootlicking.

why does the creative cloud installer need root? these are fundamentally apps that read and manipulate and write local files, and sometimes talk to the network. nothing about that requires privileged access. apple should come down on this practice. you know what it means

@raphael you can say the same about the united states global imperialistic war and the people subjected to the taxation that funds it

@Soy_Magnus @icedquinn you're on mute now, feel free to reply as much as you want.

it's pretty amazing conceptually that the "tesla" brand/word has not meaningfully changed in years, yet the actual practical implementation of what that word means (specifically, multiple insane gigafactories scaling production up 5-10x from before) is like apples to oranges that's fine too, people who don't like it can start companies that don't use it, or refuse to work at companies that do. amazon's workers are unionizing, for example. i read that story years ago, please miss me with the reply guy move

the fact that the richest person in the world also appears to be the person delivering the most productive and irreplaceable value in the world seems to me as an indicator that the system is working as it should

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!