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@charlotte i didn't realize rust was that popular in vietnam

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i can't believe they would call a language "for tran". actually, rust is the one for tr--

@surfingalot i think it sends an explicit "you've been blocked" message but i'm not sure

TIL that the GPS satellites also have as a secondary payload nuclear explosion detection capabilities. I thought that was a separate satellite network (and I think in the past it was).

@surfingalot it emulates centralized social media and hides all content from a user that has blocked you

@m0xee it needs to run graphene and have a modern display. i don't think any such device exists.

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half the shit on that claims to be keto isn't actually keto :/

@ParadeGrotesque @craigmaloney @trashheap microsoft/windows has a very tiny slice of the "computer operating system" market. the vast majority now are running linux (android).

@ParadeGrotesque @craigmaloney @trashheap depends on how you define the market. desktop computers are irrelevant now

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@fredlinhares those were crap which is why something easier and better and more interactive won out

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looking for a place for @lake and I to stay in #berlin from the 18th to the 23rd of august if you know of anything! please boost for reach #couchsurfing

governments ignore the law when it's convenient for them, citing national security. you should ignore governments when it's convenient for you.

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