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@greypilgrim @jomo "if you don't like us collecting your data, hide"

no, fuck that. osmand is free software. i have already patched out the spyware antifeatures. i will probably distribute my fork. let users choose what they consent to.

@alcinnz @nytpu it's not entitlement. when you license something as free software you literally give it away as a gift. you no longer have any claim to compensation for a gift to the commons.

@galacticstone you don't know about TSMC or m2 or graviton, do you?

@galacticstone have you ever considered that this hyperpartisan stance is victim blaming?

@galacticstone i'll be sure to vote for different supreme court justices next time

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currently dealing with one of the hardest problems in computer science: moving a file to another computer

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behind the post: i couldn't decide between "home meowers association" and "ho meowers association" so I left "home meowers association" in the posting box for like thirty minutes and then I came back and hit the posting button
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it’s 29C outside and i can’t open my windows because some shitty neighbor of mine is smoking on his balcony and his smoke clouds blow into my bedroom and office and give me asthma attacks.

anyone know an affordable hitman in berlin?

sneak boosted why would you use an app for youtube

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Starting a band called Main Page. We will quickly become popular, since Wikipedia will have no choice but to include a disambiguation link to us at the top of its own homepage.

@nytpu @alcinnz you can't practically sell foss. free as in speech dictates free as in beer.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!