@twoheart the ?si= part is tracking, you can remove it before posting
@hans it sends a unique and permanent tracking id on every map download.
@jeffcliff @Zerglingman i have?
@dantescanline it's fine to enjoy smoking, just not fine to force it on others
@dantescanline cigarette smokers everywhere are poisoning me without my consent
@borup @nyquildotorg this isnt true
@nyquildotorg same with irc and all noncorporate internet. y'all just on your phones on insta and tiktok, we're all still here
@erikkemp would you like a literal answer? most humans will do nothing, and suffer and die as a result.
it is a mistake to assume there is a single cohesive human "we". there are a few million thinking adults then a few billion more just trying to fuck and play the monkey status game, oblivious to most everything else.
Actually inventing or producing things is at best the path to small-time wealth. The really big fortunes -- the billionaire kind -- instead come from controlling the circumstances under which other people are allowed to produce things.
-- Kevin Carson
@greypilgrim @jomo yes i the victim must not relate sufficiently to the person appropriating my data without consent. debian and ubuntu solved this problem on a much larger scale without end user tracking. your comment is both factually incorrect (i have been a prod sysadmin in hostile environments for 20+ years) as well as a red herring (due to what i assume is ignorance of the state of the art)
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