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transwomen outnumber ciswomen in hardcore software engineering fields by what appears to be close to an order of magnitude. why do you think that is?

between july and august 2022, cox silently changed my "unlimited data" package to a "1280GB monthly data plan" at the same price. no notification.

i hope i live to see the last meat human die

@fsf taler does not respect freedom or privacy, there is only one digital currency that matters and that is because they solved the bootstrapping problem

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my internal monlogue is jsut dial-up noises really

@witziege ios will soon scan local files for perceptual hashes of known cp so that it can snitch on you to the police if you have illegal local files. technically i think step 3 is unnecessary

step 1: buy iphone for cash, masked
step 2: create new apple id with burner number, burner email, name and street address of target. use crypto-paid anon vpn
step 3: turn on icloud
step 4: load a bunch of publicly available cp into the camera roll
step 5: wipe prints and dna, hook it up to a car battery for a week or so of power, and leave it on the back corner of their property with location services on

the fact that this is needed is sort of a testament to how badly there needs to be a coordinated overhaul of the linux kernel networking situation wrt vms and containers

it's not news to anyone who works in this industry, but be advised that mint mobile CSRs will read out the whole email address on file on the account to anyone who knows the first name and phone number.

@Jain @mewmew i understand 100% how hobby sysadminning has to take a backseat to revenue work. i'm so behind on both this week! don't be pressured by us, do what you gotta do, we'll be patient. thank you for everything!

also lmk if you want any help, i am good with computer sometimes and all of my ssh privkeys are exclusively in hardware

the adventurer/outdoorsman brand positioning for the apple watch ultra is pretty dumb, it can just be a watch for internet nerds who want 3 day battery life. it's not like my toughbook being waterproof ever mattered

@mono he chose it for the zuccbucks, leave him to his choices

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