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contemplating a new career as a grave robber, but only of orphans, so that nobody alive is harmed

anyone who causes another to become distressed (even if that distress is entirely unwarranted) in any way receives social pressure to be quiet without an evaluation of the merit of the request.

this, of course, becomes a weaponized technique for shutting down any discussion they don't want other people to have.

i think the growing and worrisome trend can be summarized thus: people now commonly take anyone voicing any sort of disagreement with them as aggression or an attack, even when it plainly is not.

what's most upsetting to me about the bump stock ban is not that it's around or not, but that anti-firearms people are fine with celebrating laws made by capricious administrative fiat, entirely removed from the law-as-written or the legislature or the judiciary. it seems terrifying to me that federal administrators can say something's legal, then make it a 10 year federal felony the next day without any change to the law at all.

wish i could easily clone my apple-branded-hardware unvirtualized instance into a vm before applying the 10.15.2 update to see what breaks/fixes, but sadly that is impossible for several reasons

how soon until those who don't publicize their preferred pronouns are assumed-bad because they affirmatively implied their lack of trans/enby solidarity (in case of poe's law striking, this is huge sarcasm)

making faces at me when i refer to an ActivityPub Create Activity as a "tweet" or refer to "toots" on a pleroma instance is not big and is not clever

I think ActivityPub servers should push every public tweet to all of the servers with which they are federated, so that every instance can give meaningful results from a local database for hashtag searches, and to maximize usefulness of "federated timeline" views. get as much data to as many places as possible and let the receiving servers decide if they want it or not.

i think using activitypub on one's own instance might start to be a similar social signal to using email on one's own domain; using the big public servers are the equivalent of an or email

i think i might start keeping a log of how many times each day people make objectively inaccurate statements about me, my beliefs, my intentions, or my actions.

ios 13.3 out today, hopefully it fixes the remaining obtrusive jank in 13.x

if email services took the same approach to defederation as activitypub admins, pretty much every single email server would have to blacklist sending to/from, as it hosts more nazis than any other email server in the world

Either you're the master of your own domain (lol) and you get final authority over who you federate with or don't, or other people are at fault for mentioning you. Can't be both.

Preventatively prohibiting your users from communicating with others by the thousands simply on account of their home instance is incompatible with the belief that someone else is in the wrong for replying to your threads.

it seems like a bug in when i click a user (on my own instance) and it doesn't show their followers or followings, but then when i go to their profile on their home instance, all that info is public.

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learning how to attack your own arguments is a key skill to learn if you want to produce arguments that dont suck ass

webassembly is going to be bad for the web; it's just going to further the web down the road toward unhackability where user-agents are just runtimes for the content applications (like on mobile) where you can't inspect or edit or change anything, eventually just using your cpu to run an entire copy-protected DRM'd rendering OS that does exactly what the content owner wants and nothing more or less

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we aren't addicted to services; we just really like human connection and tech companies are devilishly desperate to monopolize that experience

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!