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this year, online defcon used the censorship/surveillance platform Discord and the AWS (military defense contractor) owned Twitch, because there are no free software tools for running online events in the mid-five-figure size. jitsi shits the bed at a few dozen IIRC.

there's so much work to be done.

2000 law enforcement agencies in all 50 states + DC can decrypt your phone without a passcode, and they have done this hundreds of thousands of times since 2015, often without a warrant, according to schneier:

does NBC news think that hacked machines or hacked data would... be evident on election day?


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sneak boosted
cursed idea: sh to systemd transpiler

$ cat
while true; do
echo 1 && echo 2
$ systemsh <
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl cat script.service
# /etc/systemd/system/script.service
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/echo 1
ExecStart=/usr/bin/echo 2
$ systemctl start script.timer
$ journalctl -fu script
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It's rare to find a place that does not accept subdomain email addresses, ex:

One of them is citibank, to give you a taste of how bad they can be in their computer systems.

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one thing i'm going to be sad to miss on twitter is the absolutely epic meltdown of the americans when the president (&DHS et al) steals the election tomorrow and announces himself the winner.

strap in, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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I used to work for a certain company that made certain software, and this software had to pass a security audit in order to comply with certain government regulations, so that certain customers could legally use our software for certain needs.

The audit process was basically as follows. Our guy went to their office with a usb stick containing our software and a suitcase containing a metric fuckton of money. Later he returned without a suitcase but with our software signed using their public key.

Now you know how software is audited for use in large government organizations.

i'm sort of surprised there isn't some turnkey app that speaks to an rtlsdr, does a VHF and UHF survey automatically over a few mins, identifies any carriers, identifies the ones that are p25, and starts logging all of the signaling traffic on them, offering you a list of all observed talkgroups to decode/record. you need to use like 5 different programs for this simple task.

i have a fuckton of VHS tapes. once i digitize their video contents, is there anything useful i can do with them? are there commonly available data storage systems for them?

how many pounds of halloween candy is an acceptable amount to consume on all saints' day?

what are the best trrs or usb headphones+boom mic you know of? i have insanely expensive high end headphones that i end up not using in favor of $25 headphones because they have a boom mic on them and switching for calls is annoying. halp

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One thing I've changed about my open-source behavior is that when I open up literally any issue or PR on another person's repo, I always start with a paragraph gushing about how much I appreciate the project. "Thanks for creating this project, I really appreciate it," etc. I don't know if it helps, but it makes me feel better knowing that I'm making a bid for that person's time and attention, that I at least tried to send some good vibes their way.

buying a pinephone with two clicks via apple pay checkout feels strangely like punching myself really hard in the dick.

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TIL that Chrome has a hidden “reader mode” feature, similar to Firefox, Safari, etc.

I just thought: “Why is that feature hidden? It’s very useful.” And then I realized: “It hides the ads, that’s why.”

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!