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why is there a Dockerfile in my home directory, and why does it being there instill such fear into me and make me immediately question if i'm living in a simulation

ha, was there no 11.0.0 released at all, or was it only for the DTK? can only seem to download 11.0.1.

nothing like 10,000 uniques per hour all day to provide incentive to finally update /index.html eh?

how you know you're in computing hell: you're taking pictures of your text console with a spyware device:

Paul Graham writes on twitter (

> I am automatically not interested in any home-<whatever> system with a Windows (or Mac) computer at the heart of it. Who installs new OS releases? The answer has to be either (a) no one, (b) me, or (c) someone else, and none of those options is acceptable.

He's absolutely right.

i think i just hit some dockerhub pull limits, ugh

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It is illegal to boost this post 

i got a link in DM to a text document today that required JS, but the DM was from a stranger, so I didn't open it. I remember when the web didn't suck this bad.

What's more worrisome: OSes that spy on you, hardware that enforces spyware OSes, or the fact that you can't use pretty much any of the modern internet without executing arbitrary, untrusted code on a JIT built and distributed in binary form by a giant multinational advertising company that has a PRISM api?

perhaps it's time for a web browser that uses a non-JIT js interpreter, even if it's 20x slower.

maybe all my friends and i can split the cost of a POWER9 machine and then we could install some sort of software on it that permits us to share the time on the large, expensive cpu. a time-sharing system, perhaps?

why is mastodon using websockets? who wants that?

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"You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?"

— George Orwell, Animal Farm

You can't track a package without JavaScript, now.

I worry I am on a ballistic trajectory that intersects with the node where I am buying POWER9 CPUs

think it's safe to wipe and overwrite my Sierra bootable installer USB with Big Sur?


"Nov 13 22:02:09.593 [notice] Wow! I detected that you have 36 CPUs. I will not autodetect any more than 16, though. If you want to configure more, set NumCPUs in your torrc"

gee, tor, thank you for noticing 😳

I never realized until recently how important it is to be timely in the things you're talking about. People will pay 10x more attention to what you're saying if it relates to something else they're already thinking or talking about.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!