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I powercycled them - No difference.
I took away the power for 5 minutes and now they work again :pika:

sneak boosted


so my switches just died - all of them - while trying this out :D

this "two sides of opinion to every set of objective facts" is a cancer amongst reporters.

you're a reporter, it's your job to report the facts, not collect and aggregate the camps of people's whiny opinions about them.

what dipshits

Even *reporters* whose job it is to be accurate, like Jon Porter at the verge, fell for apple's intentionally confusing language:

He claims Gatekeeper (the OCSP checks) are encrypted, citing apple's page, which says *no such thing*.

I'm astounded at how good this PR trickery is.

sneak boosted

it's crazy how good apple's spin doctors are. it's art and i'm truly in awe.

the art of objectively not lying while causing false information to be conveyed to your readers due to their tendency to conflate details with which they are unfamiliar is really beautiful if you think about it.

you say truthful thing x, your audience hears and remembers lie y.

Apple spin doctors in full effect today:

"This OCSP request does not include the Apple ID of the user, or reveal a device or app being launched."

the precise set of apps you open uniquely identifies you and your machine.

the id of the app's developer *is* sent, which, because 99% of developers publish only one app, it absolutely reveals which app is being launched.

it's amazing what people will believe if they're reassured by an authority figure.

sneak boosted
so it looks like is uh. a baby gnupg replacement?

rms cold emailed me today to ask me point blank why i am still running macOS.


i’m so sad i have to abandon ios soon. the current ipad os warns you about autoupdates during the oobe but it doesn’t let you turn them off. you have to finish the oobe and then go 3 clicks deep into settings to disable the RCE.

i asked for the time and got it but then afterward alexa talked back to me with some advertising so i ripped her housing out of the wall and spiked her into the ground as hard as i could, which sadly did not shatter or splinter in any way and was not as satisfying as i had hoped

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Autizmo Movie Night!

MPlayer/MPV/VLC compatible URL:

Chat only:


The stream will start at 8:30 CST (02:30 UTC) and the lineup will be Borat followed by Borat Subsequent Moviefilm with a 15 minute intermission inbetween.

The web player can be a bit buggy so I recommend playing the stream in MPV/VLC/etc. and only open the chat in the browser.
sneak boosted

`pip3 install --user --upgrade youtube-dl`

still works. I wonder, did PyPI get a bogus DMCA takedown notice, too?

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