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pixel5 carrierfree/unlocked is out of stock, natch

had to stop using twitter when they started censoring what you can read/search, and to whom you can reply. will have to stop using reddit when `old.` goes away

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@miro2 @realcaseyrollins Actually guys this was my bad. I looked into this and it turns out its actually Joe Biden who decides who’s black.

literally every single one of these cryptocurrency websites requires javascript to work. if i were a real blackhat i'd be even richer than i already am.

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birdsite, mention of orgy including politicians 

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"Proprietary software is only proprietary if you believe it is"

the song spotify claims is my #1 song played this year i have never heard of before. never heard of the artist, either.

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Email encryption is important all around the world. Get your own secure email account now! 😀💪👇

i'm old enough to remember when spamming via push notification was against the rules in the app store.

china cooked the books on their covid figures:

russia cooked the books on their numbers. japan cooked the books on their nuimbers. i have reports from people in healthcare IT that the published figures in the US are totally bullshit, too. you're simply not being told the truth about what's happening.

why is the default response of governments the world over to be untrustworthy and lie about the facts?

what's a real bummer is that even the recent intel machines (like the last intel air, with the good keyboard, that was just discontinued in favor of the m1 air) are so afflicted, as they have the T2 chip in them that requires this activation.

i guess this means that macs are now entirely unsuitable as airgapped machines, which rules out remote research stations, SCIFs, and many other applications. :/

this also means that a country that blocks all access to the reactivation server can kill all macs in the country from being wiped/reinstalled. (again, this is already the case with iphone/ipad, and has been for all time.)

T2 and ARM macs are thus entirely unsuitable for e.g. the antarctic research stations, as if one is infected with a virus/malware and needs to be proper wiped/reinstalled, doing a full disk wipe when you have no internet means you *cannot* get the machine back in a working state, even with offline USB reinstall media, because the T2/M1 needs an online reactivation. no internet = computer is a brick. (iphones and ipads already work this way.)

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!