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are there any matrix clients that i can use that don't immediately phone home on startup? every one i have tried thus far connects to a bunch of hosts that aren't my homeserver.

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you're not wrong, rms, you're just an asshole.

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@newt @deadheat
communism still isn't obvious how terrible it is. it sounds like a wonderful idea apropos of nothing. which is how people get in to it. nobody sells communism by highlighting it always comes with mass murders and ends in failed police states.

this is sad news. aside from the loss of human rights, it's a bummer to watch the US slide further down the hill away from being a place where the rule of law is respected. if an explicit constitutional carve-out isn't enough to preserve a right, nothing is. we've seen it happen to 4A and we are watching it happen to 2A and 1A.

reminder: eating at a restaurant or getting takeout is still unethical unless you can be reasonably certain everyone working in the kitchen (close quarters) has had the option to have been vaccinated if they so desire. otherwise you are creating incentives for the business to pressure them into risking their lives for a paycheck.

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Are you "morally white"?

rms should resign and also get a mac

i wanna get a lamborghini athon and park it next to my cybertruck

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When a Wikipedia article is marked for deletion, they should say it's in jimbo limbo.

"something to strip away your rights must be done" because <20 people got killed with scary guns in two weeks. yet 7000 are dying every day from covid and it's still legal to go out to dinner in a restaurant with no mask.

pay attention.

not all cultures are equally good, valuable, or useful

freedom of association is one of the most powerful individual rights we have. i wish so many people weren't advocating against it.

the people who like rms are wrong because rms is demonstrated trash, the people who don't like rms are wrong because they read articles about what he wrote that are factually incorrect. thus we proceed

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RT @Senficon:
I am shocked that @fsf has decided to allow RMS to rejoin their board of directors. Clearly the organization does not prioritize creating a safe and welcoming environment for all parts of the free software community. I will not speak at their events again.

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The OSI’s response to RMS’s reappointment to the Board of the Free Software Foundation is also very clear:

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in case you were curious, the momentum of a fully loaded Ever Given is approximately 2.6 billion kilogram-meters per second, which is approximately equal to the momentum of a hummer H1 moving at 750km/s

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