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i guess that i don't think it's something new or novel ("cancel culture") that associating with unpopular people makes your board/conference/project unpopular. if you choose to sit at the toe jam kids' table, don't be surprised when nobody else wants to sit near you in class.

what are the actual real-world feasible potential solutions to the problem of moving the EVER GIVEN?

this is a good read.

ultimately i think our mammalian pack hierarchy brain wants to scream "unfair" when people who, in our view, did nothing wrong, are ousted.

sometimes, though, "causing a controversy" even if you're totally right and correct is sufficient grounds for other people, especially those with a profit or PR motive, to rightfully choose to distance themselves from you.

it turns out that the #1 most popular tv show "ow my balls" started off many decades ago as a cryptocurrency vendor called "own my balls":

sneak boosted

imagine being on an instance that the admin who runs it has decided for you what you're allowed to read or follow or see. now imagine *wanting* that state of affairs.

i only learned recently the sheer number of instances that have blocked this, my single user instance, and 90% of them based on rumor/speculation/because other instances said it was bad.

federated systems are unreliable.

if we are fedi friends, make sure you add me on signal, my number's on my website.

signal should extend groupchats to allow you to publish an e2e encrypted, expiring feed of photos/videos to a selected set of friends/contacts. being e2e it would have to remain chronological and not be sorted algorithmically.

basically, Signal Stories would be the ultimate "add stories to the product like snapchat did" win, because it would be the one good social network.

if a personal computer is a bicycle for your mind, then what is a smartphone?

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For whatever it's worth, I did not support the decision to reinstate RMS. I made my arguments and placed my opposing vote; while I was glad I was able to do that I regret not being able to turn the decision the other way.

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I am announcing my resignation from the FSF board. (Effective end of Thursday, for administrative reasons.) It's a decision that has been a long time coming for me, but still a hard one: I think the work of the FSF is important, and broken things are the most important to fix.

who would have thought i'd have to youtube-dl an item on the internet archive and it wouldn't just have a download link? what's this "stream only" bullshit?

i have long maintained that both uncritical extremes of hyperpolarization on any topic are fools that got duped

i feel like jwz hasn't received enough credit throughout all of this for pointing out (IN THE 1990S!!!!) that cooperation with rms is impossible.

watching both sides of the rms war be so thoroughly and vigorously wrong in the internet simultaneously has me mentally exhausted and i think i will go absorb radiation from the star today instead. i wish y'all would read what he said and what you are saying

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I don't think we will ever truly know what marketing and ads have done to us until we kill them all off. Then all of a sudden we'll feel less shitty and be like "huh that's weird."

sneak boosted

you ever think about the cumulative mental toll that marketing and advertising have on us? In ways we don't even understand, never mind quantify. We're under constant psychological warfare, and we pay for it! Like with our actual money

my most controversial opinion is that there should be no sequence of bytes, whatsoever, that it is a criminal act to store or transmit.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!