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i have been saying for years that cryptocurrencies pose a direct threat to sovereign control over money, and that countries are going to slowly realize this and do everything they can to kneecap them, or ban them outright.

they've done the ignore and ridicule parts already. next they will try to fight it by attacking the core principles: the ability to withdraw to self-custody. india is already considering an outright ban on possession/trade.

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zeynep tufekci points out a very important thing: in biden's first press conference yesterday he was asked about re-election (4 years away), the filibuster (which is out of his hands), and trump (fucking clownshoes lol)


the press in the USA is a laughingstock. BITFD.

key lime pie flavor Bang is easily twice as delicious as any other energy drink ever made

who started the insane and terrible tradition of naming bills something idiotic so they make a catchy acronym

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linked lists be like
i know i guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy

what are the present theories around the x-37b's current classified mission?

is this an antisatellite platform? surveillance? an orbital weapons platform of some kind?

ever greet, run by the same people as ever given, has just been rerouted to go south around africa (adding 12 days to its trip), strongly suggesting that it will be at least two weeks before the suez canal is working again.

the reason i am so pro-freedom-of-association is the same reason i am so pro-freedom-of-speech and pro-right-to-bear-arms: because these are essential tools for our society's continued correct and productive functioning. if we lose them, like a keystone, the rest of the good in our society will crumble - sometimes slowly (freedom of association), sometimes rapidly (freedom of speech, RKBA)

in the past, a witchhunt meant they burned the victim at the stake. now, a witchhunt means the victim will be relegated to shitposting PR disasters to their own website using only emacs, which is basically the same thing

the complaints in the pro-rms camp have mostly been of the "but where does the SJWing stop? this will ruin us" variety, claiming that this is a political plot to undermine... something or other, after "cancelling" rms. i've yet to see any of those people refute the "rms is a yucky creep who isn't good at leadership" claim, which, in my view, is sufficient on its face to kick him out.

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i guess that i don't think it's something new or novel ("cancel culture") that associating with unpopular people makes your board/conference/project unpopular. if you choose to sit at the toe jam kids' table, don't be surprised when nobody else wants to sit near you in class.

what are the actual real-world feasible potential solutions to the problem of moving the EVER GIVEN?

this is a good read.

ultimately i think our mammalian pack hierarchy brain wants to scream "unfair" when people who, in our view, did nothing wrong, are ousted.

sometimes, though, "causing a controversy" even if you're totally right and correct is sufficient grounds for other people, especially those with a profit or PR motive, to rightfully choose to distance themselves from you.

it turns out that the #1 most popular tv show "ow my balls" started off many decades ago as a cryptocurrency vendor called "own my balls":

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imagine being on an instance that the admin who runs it has decided for you what you're allowed to read or follow or see. now imagine *wanting* that state of affairs.

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