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i got a death threat from a stranger via email today because i suggested that wearing masks during a pandemic is useful.

the “sosumi” alert sound in macOS has been renamed to “Sonumi”

installing the latest mullvad app on macos 11.x, turning on the kill switch, then upgrading to 11.4 and rebooting connects you to the internet directly.

apple doesn't give a single fuck about your privacy.

how does one get postfix to rewrite the to address header when rewriting via virtual_alias_maps?

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Whenever I lose confidence in my ideas, I think about how Jeff felt about the first iPhone

another day, another instance of google censorship

random access memories isn't that good of an album.

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> make a mechanism to 'draw' on a whiteboard while mining ethereum 2.0
> people draw this
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mailservers use a lot less ram these days

holy fucke statping is great software.

I recently chatted with Bram Cohen (of Chia and formerly BitTorrent) and Adam Levine on the Hard Problems podcast, on the topic of ransomware. It's good (although a bit technical, if you're into that) and you can listen here:

Direct download link:

Discussion thread:

why did everyone turn dumber during the pandemic?

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