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sometimes i wonder if random access memories is a parody album

how many is too many copies of brothers in arms or selected ambient works xx-yy (vol1) on vinyl?

I don't think society has any business subsidizing child care. It's nowhere near universally agreed that reproduction is a good thing.

have a yubikey with private keys on it and don't have the pubkey or the secret stubs?

regenerating the secret stubs when you have the pubkey is documented, but here's how to regenerate the pubs too:

what should i do with a hard drive that throws write errors sometimes but isn't completely dead? it's 10tb so i don't want to just throw it in the garbage.

you basic-ass bitches using sodium hydroxide to clean out your sink drains

just a reminder that they did this a year before the iphone came out, when people were still using the palm treo and that stupid blackberry with the trackball:

and oh, take me off your mailing list for kids who think it still exists.

sneak boosted

you can't actually turn off automatic updates if your freshly installed ipad running ios15 is not connected to a network, as it's behind the "is there an update available" screen, which endlessly pops up a "can't check for updates" modal preventing you from accessing the "turn off Apple RCE" submenu.

an ipad mini with a cellular connection running ios15 can activate even without a sim, as ios15 includes an esim provided by apple for activation. this means prior to activation on a fresh boot it's already identifying itself to the tower and leaking your location and IMEI, WITH NO SIM INSTALLED.

linux networking has gone totally insane now, the tools all seem to work but are entirely opaque to users. everything makes its own network namespace now and your usual tools and troubleshooting procedures are completely useless.

regrettably i think i need more computers

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