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i would like an rpi 4 case that is:

a) metal
b) has an integrated oled and maybe some buttons
c) has a non-shitty fan
d) reproduces the GPIOs externally
e) (optional) has an 18650 UPS inside it

my smb service was running fine but inaccessible to the lan, and i dicked around with it for several hours before simply rebooting the box and now it's fine.

i thought this shit wasn't supposed to happen on lunix

big sur is the first macos release since i have been using macintoshes (which started at system 5 or 6 - i distinctly recall installing system 7 right after release) where i never actually put it on my main machine before the next version (monterey, out now) was released.

the keyboard on the new mbp is black (even between the keys) which fixes a pro/notpro branding oversight that has been persisting for a while

i just now noticed that you can get the m1 max in the 14" pro. that's pretty rad that a 14" laptop can be that powerful (although i bet it's battery murdah)

the m1max/pro soc feature i'm most excited about is four external displays hooked up to an MBP.

i am very curious to see how much the new 16" MBP alu case does or does not suck. just 2-3 more weeks.

what's your favorite weird movie that makes you feel feelings that you don't have words to name?

bonus points if those feelings are the point and the movie subordinates plot resolution or narrative structure to those feels

there's a thing that Villeneuve does that i love: he tells a story with plain bare spaces. the vertical entry tube in arrival. the heptapods' salon. the lawn on which the heptapods' ship is parked. the designer's room in blade runner. the archive library in blade runner. gurney's sparring studio in dune.

this is one of my favorite things done by Kosinski, too (the sky apartment in oblivion, the dude's apartment in tron2).

tools can be both free software and proprietary at the same time: the github CLI is one such example. VS code is another. these work primarily (or only) with closed, proprietary service platforms.

colossus: the forbin project is a much better movie than either wargames or terminator, and yet it is relatively unknown. better treatment of the topic, better ending, better evil computer voice, better everything

through the grapevine i hear about many more people getting sick now than two or three months ago. ICUs are still full, moreso than they were at previous peaks. testing in the usa is expensive and inaccessible, i think the numbers in the media are massively underrepresenting the spread.

"I have faith in Denis Villeneuve and his new version of Dune starring Timothée Chalamet. But it will probably be a normal movie for normal people, in which characters with recognizable emotions talk in a recognizable way and move through a plot we understand to achieve clearly defined goals. Which is all fine and good, but how likely is it to inspire sick beats for '90s kids doing ecstasy?"

spot fucking on

sneak boosted
you: a sick or wounded animal
him: the last thing you see
there is not an atom of sympathy in the pitiless oynx scarab of his eye

amazon is now recommending fake covid cures in suggested products.

apparently the ivermectin people have moved on to fenbenzadole

i want a way of automatically syncing noscript/ublock origin/cookie autodelete settings between my instances of ungoogled-chromium.

sneak boosted

I'd appreciate a little more warning to get my life in order, Apple.

instead of being at the part of human development where i am trying to become 5kg smaller, i would prefer to be at the part of human development where a healthy size for people is no less than a radius of 2 to 3 AU

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