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TIL japan has the death penalty and in 2015 80% of the public were not opposed to it.

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i have a zip of a consulting client's post-compromise webroot in my google drive. google won't let me download a zip of the folder containing this zip because it contains a virus.

google drive locking me out of my client data. cool.

yt-dlp works for me whereas youtube-dl no longer does. i hate when i have to learn meta information about my tools

i have created a profile on the excellent server for tutu, who will now be posting at @tutu for all your blobby, cat-related needs

cc @mewmew @allison @Jain and anyone else who cares about cats who are blobs who are also cats

oh, and a minimal selfhosted discord clone (mattermost is spyware)

apps i need to write:

- centralized selfhosted instagram/pixelfed clone with a react native uploader client

- twitter v1 clone that just lists all your friends last status

- clock ( is shit)

- start page

i can't believe it's 2021 and i have to write a photo hosting webapp and uploader app, because the entire universe moved onto centralized, censored SaaS.

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An early look at the Pixelfed mobile app! Looking forward to the upcoming beta release 😎 #pixelfed #mobileApp

there's no good/decentralized/selfhosted tumblr/instagram replacement with a decent mobile app.

pixelfed doesn't even have an ios app

everyone yelling at moxie about federation should be linked to this page:

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the JavaScript blocking will continue until page quality improves

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!