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find yourself a man who looks at you the way tesla wannabe cowboy ravers look at elon

TIL the statements being true is not a defense against a defamation suit in japan. you can incur civil liability for telling the pure factual truth if it damages someone's honor.

never trust a computer you can't lift.

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this is a private company job which will literally let you effectively legally view CP on a regular basis:

connecting airpods pro to a mac makes softwareupdated and mobileassetsd both try to connect to

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You may not like it, but this is the ideal steam deck.

on the playground was where i spent most of my days

why do people find this desirable? it's just 2x 4k displays. my main workstation is 3x 5k displays.

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RT @ProfJulieHill
The ABA issued a bank routing # to @krakenfx’s parent Payward Financial, a Wyo. bank (SPDI). Coming on the heals of a routing number for @custodiabank, this means the Fed. Reserve concluded SPDI crypto custody banks are eligible for master accounts.

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me: mutes and hides notifications for 50% of the strangers who reply guy me

also me: oh wow fedi is so dead todat

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fun fact: modern M1 chips on the latest macOS contact the apple TSS server for bootloader signatures via plaintext http just like an iphone, and transmit their ECID (unique SoC hardware identifier) in *port 80 total plaintext* letting the backbones/IXes/NSA/CIA know the physical location of that specific computer.

this is happening on the latest and greatest M1 machines being sold right now, on the latest macOS, on every OS update.

search pcaps for

when i was like 14 i had this on my wall (alongside the matching one for the white/grey G4)

never owned either of them because they were unimaginably expensive for poverty-line teenage me

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I like the way *coughs* certain groups talk about overpopulation

It's not overpopulation, it's that our logistics networks fucking suck.

i'm replacing my main powerhouse 128gb workstation (a 18core xeon 128gb/4tb imac pro) with a maxxed out 20c/128gb mac studio m1 ultra.

the imac pro is still worth $6-7k (i paid $14k for it). the new box is $8k.

the imac was the first computer i ever bought where i went to and smashed all the sliders to the far right and whacked the buy button. a dream for 20 years, realized.

i want to sell it while it still has value, but i also want to keep it forever for that reason. wat do?

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