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but as Canada Bill Jones said, "It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money."

imagine believing russia would lose a land war

twitter blue is not available if your phone number carrier is protected by hardware 2FA, only if you use a phone number from a mobile carrier that lets you get sim swapped.

sneak boosted

anyone know an rtmp switcher/muxer that will play files shuffled or whatever from a media directory and stream RTMP out but then will accept an RTMP stream in to override, without dropping the outbound RTMP stream when the override stream starts/stops?

basically i want to stream 24/7 from a directory, but be able to cut in live and not have the stream stop/start. how do?

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everyone seems to think that my post says that apple is *remotely* scanning your files. it's happening on-device, via a process that speaks to the network. there's no indication what that process is sending or receiving to apple, and i haven't REd it yet to find out.

new battlestation configuration is making some progress

if you highlight text in a mail message in macOS and right-click it, there is a context menu item that says "search with Google". it always opens safari regardless of what default browser you have chosen. i reported this to apple more than 2 years ago and they haven't fixed it.

i had been taking to buying new old stock of homepod1s on ebay, they are that good. i am so excited:

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Just right-clicked a link in a mastodon post and copied it then sent it to someone and only then did it finally occur to me that it was completely a unfucked-with link. Not some BS redirect link that tracks where it came from and who I sent it to. Just a regular link.

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Gertie in full on “notice me” mode. I think that this is a request to make the snow go away #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #BlackCats

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When one door closes, lock it securely, along with all your other doors, before any inspirational quotes get in.

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If you replace "No" with "Maybe Later" in a dialog box of *any* sort, please *please* spend a few minutes understanding how consent works.

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I remember when toilet paper and eggs were so plentiful we would throw them at the houses of our enemies.

in arizona, the death rate for children in state custody is 2x higher than children not in state custody.

i'm the same age as danny glover was when he delivered the "i'm too old for this shit" line

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