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“my (30 M) girlfriend (30 F) buried all of my beans in the woods and won't tell me where, causing a fight between us”

namecheap is preventing people from registering domains with coronavirus-related terms in them:


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theory: several governors aren’t issuing or enforcing lockdowns not because they’re republicans, but because they don’t want cops in their heavily armed states to get shot at or confronted by armed people who do not wish to comply.

i feel like there is a lot of context here that nilered is almost entirely failing to acknowledge:

how do i get more cat videos in my feed

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Stop, you are being horny online! Show me your license!

ugh everyone who has followed me on AP lately is some duckspeaking cryptorightwinger (not cryptocurrency, from kryptos, "hidden") that is either from gab or gab adjacent. i wonder if there is a single decent gab user

what is or is not an "essential business" is a function of who is better politically connected.

I wonder if these shelter-in-place orders are actually constitutional. Imagine if they banned news websites during the pandemic? Freedom of assembly is literally the next breath in 1A...

Google is probably not censoring their results in Japan. That said, look at the reputational damage done by (the now supposedly cancelled) Project Dragonfly:

Let's not overlook that there are people in jail in the US who are asking for medical care and not getting it:

"Others said that correction officers who are assigned to taking people to clinics have ignored their requests for medical attention."

John "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here" Gruber

deleted my paypal account once and for all; so tired of their shit. no idea how i will buy shit on discogs now, but i will figure something out.

paypal won’t let you set a password longer than 20 chars.

i wonder how many fewer USians would have died during this pandemic had it not happened in an election year

the death threats i've received for writing open source software are the lights that mark the way:

considering the death threats i got based on publishing only the half-done nonworking source code for my activitypub spider, i am really excited to see what happens when i operate a global firehose reassembler fulltext search tootspider service with full source code available for anyone to easily replicate my results

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