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tom scott just taught me the same thing patrick did, so that's two data points:

so that's it then: make a lot of stuff, keep making stuff, keep publishing stuff. keep on keepin' on.

i wonder if they'll reduce the federal minimum wage to try to combat unemployment this year

this is so incredibly predictable, yet tragic at the same time.

I remember when i realized that hackers, as they get old, turn into "this is the way we've always done it" people who are not only uncreative, but actively stifle anyone who is willing and able to experiment with anything new. it's so sad.

TIL that software that is GPL 3 is not GPL enough for rms to make a dep of emacs (lolllll):

basically a very thin/flat desktop with integrated keyboard and a large display on a hinge. a portable desktop as it were

does anyone make like a 21" laptop that doesn't work not plugged in and has like a 5k display and dual sockets or a desktop gpu or something

one day when i have double-digit millions i wish to have an empty, windowless, cubic, lead-lined room in my subbasement where kraftwerk's classic Radioactivitaet plays 24/7 from hidden speakers

sneak boosted

I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are.

— starrywisdomofficial on Reddit

here i am sitting in a room with $700 of wireless speakers and listening to a song out of my laptop speakers. cool move, apple

still no support for airplay streaming to a homepod stereo pair from system audio (e.g. spotify or youtube) in macOS. you can stream to one or the other, but not both. (ios and ipados and tvos and even on macos can all stream to a homepod stereo pair.)

when will this nonsense end

The Adobe Creative Cloud is poorly engineered. It's a hacky mess of like 20 different processes, an embedded node, it contacts like 20 different domains... what a total hackjob. I bet they just cobbled this stupid shit together without really planning it well, then put some code monkey to smashing all the obvious UX flow bugs until it was deemed "polished" and shoved it out the door

it's so sad that the whole creative cloud is spyware. they even warn you that the apps are going to spy on you, which doesn't make it better:

i can't believe i pay real money for this garbage

wondering how well the 16" rMBP will drive that ridiculous apple 6k cheese grater monitor (6k is both the resolution and the price)

Between the Google autoupdater (ksfetch) being installed with Chrome, and Homebrew doing autoupdate and downloading package hashes from Microsoft/GitHub, this now means that both Google and Microsoft, both with ties to the US military, have RCE on most developer macOS workstations.

so, thanks to the microsoft acquisition of github, now my workstation's package manager (the spyware homebrew) talks to a large US military contractor to download the hashes to verify the source code downloads of my tools. my password manager connects to the same US military contractor to check for updates (RCE). what could possibly go wrong?

it's a little less work to despyware osx (but not trivial) than it is to install linux on a recent macbook and work around the weird drivers needed and odd bootloader config, and the result is slightly more polished, so i think i'm'a stick with macos for the time being, although literally 100% of the apple services are now entirely disabled. it doesn't even speak to apple for ntp now. wifi breaks if i block the captive portal detector URL though.

Docker Desktop for Mac is *not* free software; it's not even *open source*. This is not a safe choice for a developer on their workstation.

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