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signal instead of imessage. webapps (whereby/meet/jitsi) instead of facetime, or signal mobile (video on signal desktop would be nice). caskroom instead of app store. bitwarden instead of icloud keychain. fastmail instead of icloud email. instead of

shit still phones home, but little snitch is blocking almost all of it. what large and inconvenient effort to get this $5000 thing from "the privacy company (lol)" to stop spamming the network

macs out of the box with normal operation phone home to both Apple and Google "safe browsing" lists for the built in html rendering support. bunches of other apple system services phone home to various apple APIs even if you have location off and icloud entirely disabled. it's fucked

i've stopped using icloud keychain and in short order i will stop using icloud entirely (only using photos and contacts now); but bugs in catalina seem to make it such that i am going to have to back up my homedir, delete and re-create my user account, and copy my documents back over to turn it off.

modern mac laptops cannot boot with a totally dead battery and a fullsize power source connected.

additionally, if they go completely totally dead (like, dead battery, not touched for a week or two) they lose their date/time setting.

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a service that you give aws access keys that logs in every night and enumerates and then deletes any of you ec2 instances in any region not tagged "do not erase" so that you don't forget about that throwaway piece and end up with a bill 3 weeks later

elizabeth warren is so pro woman that she passed laws that criminalize keeping women who work as sex workers out of danger and endorsed a rapist for president! she's such a guiding light of modern progressive thought!

i think i might dislike her and trump equally, even.

the main shortcut modifier key on macs is command. the main shortcut modifier key on unix is control. when apple went unix, they didn't coalese control-c and such into the mac's command-c in the terminal, so mac users who unix a lot are developing a dual-namespaced muscle memory which is, quite frankly, bullshit. (i say this as a many-decades mac user.)

now i swap left alt and left control so that the mac-shaped modifier patterns work on all other computers, and it works fine,except for 1 thing

should i start doing all of my apis as grpc (so native http2+protobuf) and then use the abomination grpc automatic rest transcoder annotation hackfest to provide them as http1/json?

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i feel like i should get a tax rebate under the SLA when both the HDEV is eol'd and the EHDC is also offline.

uber eats charging $4.50 in fees on $23.40 in food. not sure why uber thinks this party is going to last.

The body of Apple support requests for iTunes is capped at 250 characters.

to an alien observing human culture as an outsider, the practice of star wars fandom is almost entirely indistinguishable from religion. media as canon, lots of tithing, repetition of the important texts, lots of relics and trinkets and tchotchkes and shit, lots of gathering to watch the latest developments of the myth performed by the chosen, et c.

the only difference is that disney pays taxes.

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