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if your cryptocurrency project is primarily centered around discord, telegram, or google docs, (or github for that matter) you've already failed to learn why cryptocurrencies exist and probably won't matter in the long run.

bitcoin runs on irc and a mailing list, just like linux.

neat reading, and while i don't subscribe to the sars-cov-2 lab leak theory, it's interesting that the 1977 flu has a lot of the same circumstantial clues around it.

Discord's meteoric rise continues, with even more people jumping on the bandwagon. It's a very bad thing, as Discord is likely going to sell your entire DM history, in plaintext, to their acquirer in a deal for cash and stock in the next 24-36 months.

It's not e2e encrypted. Everything you've ever typed into Discord in a DM is about to become readable to Microsoft or whoever else buys them, tied to your email and phone number and payment card.

i am really bored with the non-programming internet, and i don't have the attention span this quarter to do a lot of programming, and i won't play in the corporate censorship social pool (thereby making it more valuable/attracting others) so please link me to your favorite places on the internet to interact with strangers.

forums, clubs, communities - i miss them, and i know we're still all here, but i won't use twitter or discord or instagram or facebook or youtube.

the falun gong that are getting persecuted by the ccp are:

a) created in 1992 by a con man

b) also behind that shen-yun show that you've seen billboards for

c) anti-atheist and believe that humanity was visited by aliens

d) also run the epoch times, which is

e) super into trump

if this were r/aita this would be an ESH

inb4 strattera (which is first on the list to try)

i have untreated moderate-to-severe ADHD that is actually starting to interfere with my life now, and i don't want to take amphetamines or dopaminergic stimulants to treat it. what are my options?

having listened to the entire discography on shuffle 2-3x in full, i am pretty prepared to commit to the opinion that the talking heads are somewhat overrated. they're not bad, but it's not like they're amazing or anything.

archillect keeps dipping into my culture what with the 303 stuff and the 1200 stuff

the M1 ipad pros have a usb-c charging issue. SWIM had issues with both their retail-purchased one as well as a replacement unit. i'm running into issues with mine where it is very picky with usb-c power sources.

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Someone posted this on one of the map subreddits and all the comments are people saying “I live in LA and I’ve never heard of korb torsons” and the OP arguing with them and it’s like the only good thing I’ve seen on there in years

the worst tragedy of my life is to have spent the majority of it on one planet's surface.

ten years of paywall dickbar didn't do it.

i am now a paid subscriber to the times because of this:

give Eric Schmitt, Helene Cooper, Christoph Koettl, Evan Hill, Matthieu Aikins, Ainara Tiefenthäler and Drew Jordan a fucking award.

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timeline: bitcoin was still valued in pennies, apple was already strategizing on how to control the commanding heights of the economy by strangling the chokepoint on their payment system

this is why bitcoin exists - to keep this sort of thing from being successful
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Cum prices are out of control. Almost $5.00 a gallon here. Fucking thanks Joe Biden
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birbsite crosspost 

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I somehow woke up in a nicer timeline in which RMS gracefully resigned from the FSF and started his own cosmetics line

hey twitter publishers: when someone lands on and clicks on your username in a mention, twitter is now no longer showing them your webpage on twitter, but is popping up a modal demanding a login.

Twitter is now explicitly using your content and brand to juice their signup and activity numbers, and interfering with your audience.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!