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i'm pretty sure the vast majority of solana shills have never tried running and syncing a node.

why do theists and antivaxxers/antimaskers think it's ok to slide into my replies?

how much of an idiot do you have to be to think that vaccine mandates are authoritarian? it's literally a revocation of one side of mutual consent, the epitome of voluntary interactions.

to connect an iphone to a mac, the mac downloads some random-ass software from apple to support the connection. plugging in an iphone prompts you with an RCE button for apple.

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people clown on reddit but there are worse things out there. some people have thousands of karma on Hacker News

sometimes i wish all my friends would die at once instead of piecemeal over decades. thinking of someone then roll d20 and if it lands on 1 then you get to remember "oh they don't exist anymore" really blows. eventually it will progress to <=2, then 3, usw.

this shit sucks

you can only get an EIN for a company from the IRS between the hours of 7am and 10pm eastern time.

what the actual fuck

updating my bulging 6SE to 15. wish me luck.

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it is terrifying how great a phone the iphone 12 mini is.

"The attacks, and our response to them, catalyzed a period of decline that helped turn the United States into the debased, half-crazed fading power we are today. America launched a bad-faith global crusade to instill democracy in the Muslim world and ended up with our own democracy in tatters."


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on the subject of usb-c have you seen pcb-only usb ports? scribe the right sigils into your circuit board design program and choose the right thickness and you can just plug a cable straight into your pcb with no port hardware

i ❤️❤️❤️ hacks like this

pictured here in @deshipu's fluff m0 project

invented by juan jesús pinuaga

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the guy inside me (who was also inside of bourdain) who wants me to break my diet and order a small mountain (a foothill perhaps) of delivery fast food "just this once" (it is easily the 100th time in my lifetime) and lay around in my bed eating it is very loud and insistent today. that guy is an asshole

sometimes it seems like the entirety of the universe has culminated in this point to coerce me into ordering way too much delivery fast food in an app and then eating it in my giant heated memory foam bed while endlessly reading the SCPs, forever and ever without end, like the ikea

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another day another dozen theists, racists, and furries muted on the fediverse

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