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i named my m1 macbook air tracer because it is small fast and gay

it doesn't help my overall feelings about the future of apple or the macos that the default desktop background in 11.x is sofa king ugly

also you should be able to publish bigoted things as a publisher without your staff going galaxy brain and thinking it is an endorsement. are those who publish mein kampf or host shockley videos subject to employee walkouts too? broadcast is not uncritical endorsement, fools

sneak boosted

"maintaining a culture of trust and transparency is core to our company,” a #Netflix spokesperson told the Guardian, as explanation for why they fired a trans employee who allegedly leaked internal documents to the press. 🙃

if what i am told about the chappelle special is true (that it is edgy but not explicitly anti-trans) then i hope netflix fires those that walk out. i haven't seen the special though, so if it is indeed bigoted then fair play, but i have read that this is sjw overreaction to a famous person having edgy-but-unbigoted opinions on $UNTOUCHABLE_TOPIC. i am curious to actually see if chappelle is a dickhead, though, and will pirate the show sometime.

i have developed a fascination with metals for some reason? i have a whole closet full of crushed cans i need to melt, tungsten cubes, spheres, and coins and bars. send help (or palladium)

four new pens type A and B have arrived from cwandt. wait until the tungsten crypto bros find out about these

one of the best five ads apple ever did. ipad pro 1, portugal. the man, and berlin all featured prominently. i sometimes wonder if this ad is why that song charted, because this used it before it blew up.

friends dont link friends to reddit without using

upgrade from the cloud key g1 and the usg to the udm-pro was surprisingly smooth. the usg-pro is so much faster than the g1 cloud key it's not even funny.

holy shit i have native ipv6 on my residential cable connection

my 13" xps that cost under $4k has a much higher screen dpi than the $6500 16" m1max apple laptop i ordered today. :(

it's a shame apple's software division isn't anywhere near as good as apple's hardware division.


perhaps the biggest surprise beyond the fact that the udm-pro comes with docker preinstalled (and uses it to run the whole unifi controller thing) is that it also has jq and iptraf-ng preinstalled too.

never buying a laptop with less than 3840x2400 now that i have been so thoroughly spoiled by the screen in the 13" xps.

later today after sleep i have to figure out how to migrate my config from a cloud key g1 and usg to a udm-pro without re-adopting my devices because they are on the 18 foot tall ceiling and i can't reach the reset pinhole without a ladder i don't have

it would be cool if apple made an ios lite that does a tiny subset of the full functionality of ios, that is blistering fast on all devices.

privacy issues aside, iOS is getting worse. there are a lot of features for features' sake, and lots of bloat. some of it is amazing (eg continuity, for those that use icloud), and the new camera OCR, but most stuff added since ios7 isn't that great.

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