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yt-dlp works for me whereas youtube-dl no longer does. i hate when i have to learn meta information about my tools

i have created a profile on the excellent server for tutu, who will now be posting at @tutu for all your blobby, cat-related needs

cc @mewmew @allison @Jain and anyone else who cares about cats who are blobs who are also cats

oh, and a minimal selfhosted discord clone (mattermost is spyware)

apps i need to write:

- centralized selfhosted instagram/pixelfed clone with a react native uploader client

- twitter v1 clone that just lists all your friends last status

- clock ( is shit)

- start page

i can't believe it's 2021 and i have to write a photo hosting webapp and uploader app, because the entire universe moved onto centralized, censored SaaS.

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An early look at the Pixelfed mobile app! Looking forward to the upcoming beta release 😎 #pixelfed #mobileApp

there's no good/decentralized/selfhosted tumblr/instagram replacement with a decent mobile app.

pixelfed doesn't even have an ios app

everyone yelling at moxie about federation should be linked to this page:

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the JavaScript blocking will continue until page quality improves

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i'm beginning to think that the only way to run a real community with anything resembling low-latency interaction is to bite the bullet and get an Apple developer account so that a non-bigtech server can send notifications to the computers people actually use these days.

sort of a bummer that you can't run a social network without apple's permission.

johnny mnemonic just pointed out that people need to remember that facebook didn't invent the metaverse:

(whole interview is pretty good)

there is a sound card company called Mark Of The Unicorn, or MOTU.

isn't the mark of the unicorn just a big sucking chest wound, though? it's not like the unicorn is gonna make some mystical symbol on you with his unicorn tattoo gun

sometimes i am sad because i used to have a girlfriend that looked just like the girls the anime borgar bot account posts (down to the love of borgar, natch) and she left me for some uggo she met on the birdsite. c'est la vie

i did fine with the society-wide crisis until this week.

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Dating tip: girls love hot springs, so heat up a couple of rusty car springs to place on the dining table so they'll create a relaxing and warm atmosphere
Asbestos cloth will prevent the springs from burning the table

it is still legal in the USA to work in a hospital during this pandemic (700k+ dead) without being vaccinated.

what the actual fuck

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!