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I want to share a fun fact
at $dayjob, we have several routers/firewalls (network is hellish)
among them, there are two really cursed

a huge amount of our sales revenue goes by these two
they aren't real rackable units, just stacked on a racked shelf
one has floppy disk but we don't know if that's really used
the top one is running with an ATX PSU shoved in and soldered here and there (top cover is obviously removed, it doesn't fit)

attached photo are the two devices, please appreciate the stickers

so there's that (it's a test machine for a client, i'd never buy an 8gb laptop fyi)

it's ok to be trans, it's ok to be a vtuber, it's ok to cosplay your internet persona however you like.

it's still never okay to be a fucking degenerate furry.

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Twitter is working on a software update that will show your true account status, so you know clearly if you’ve been shadowbanned, the reason why and how to appeal.

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Actions speak louder than words. So do something today to show your love. A small act of kindness can go a long way.

kde plasma is so fucking good and nice wow

hey someone mention me so i can test out mastonaut native notifications

@mastonaut hey could you please post a download link for mastonaut on your website?

i don't use an Apple ID so i can't download apps from the app store. i have all apple services/domains blocked on my desktop computers because macOS is chock full of OS-level spyware now.

yo @cadey why do you use your weird "M"MM DD YYYY format i've never seen anywhere else for dates on your website and not iso 8601 YYYY-MM-DD?

what's the owncast equivalent for non-live stuff?

You've heard of RiiR. Now take a load of RiniP: Rewrite it not in PHP

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

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photodiodes should be called LADs (light absorbing diodes) instead

it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of boilerplate and redownloading that happens as a result of docker. the fact that the apt cache directories aren't cached between builds, or that there isn't a default caching http proxy to save redownloads is insane. there is so much waste.

i wish everyone who works on docker had to develop for one day a week without internet access.

if your GUI tool doesn't have a link to the source or git repo in the header of your website, i bounce.

if that git repo doesn't have an f/oss license in the /LICENSE, i bounce.

like 99% of the gui clients for postgres (free software) are proprietary crap. imagine using free software tools, building tools atop them, and being so selfish as to try to panhandle for $5. it's the tackiest bullshit.

beauty too rich for use; for earth too dear

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!