all of the reasons cited in this article about why elon buying twitter is bad (a premise with which i do not agree) are reasons why it's critically important that it not be arbitrarily censored by those responsible for US-centric propaganda:
took this photo of the WAN setup in georgia. giving me @simonstalenhag / halflife 2 vibes
If there’s any librarians stumbling across this cartoon, I’ve recently been told that there’s a new server here for librarians, if you’re looking for an instance to join. Here’s the post:
Fellow library workers -- please pass around word about - a Mastodon instance set up for public librarians, academic librarians, school librarians, archivists and other library workers to share ideas, inspirations, questions, announcements and the like.
@mastonaut hey could you please post a download link for mastonaut on your website?
i don't use an Apple ID so i can't download apps from the app store. i have all apple services/domains blocked on my desktop computers because macOS is chock full of OS-level spyware now.
yo @cadey why do you use your weird "M"MM DD YYYY format i've never seen anywhere else for dates on your website and not iso 8601 YYYY-MM-DD?
this is awesome
Hacker, researcher, entrepreneur. Make sure we're connected at
these toots are also available at if you're into that.