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i feel like jwz hasn't received enough credit throughout all of this for pointing out (IN THE 1990S!!!!) that cooperation with rms is impossible.

watching both sides of the rms war be so thoroughly and vigorously wrong in the internet simultaneously has me mentally exhausted and i think i will go absorb radiation from the star today instead. i wish y'all would read what he said and what you are saying

@r000t ps: you are free to use gpl v2/3 yourself forever.

@r000t you are arguing something totally different then, which is not the claim you made. if you are worried about the slippery slope or that this is some sjw submarine plot, claim that, but it's not: rms needs to go because rms is shit at his job and is shitty to other people.

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I don't think we will ever truly know what marketing and ads have done to us until we kill them all off. Then all of a sudden we'll feel less shitty and be like "huh that's weird."

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you ever think about the cumulative mental toll that marketing and advertising have on us? In ways we don't even understand, never mind quantify. We're under constant psychological warfare, and we pay for it! Like with our actual money

@r000t kicking out rms who is trash and a terrible leader, from a leadership position (which he is demonstrably terrible at) is in no way related to or congruent with the destruction of free software. in fact it is the opposite as his association with fsf is actively harming fsf right now which is why he had to resign in the first place.

my most controversial opinion is that there should be no sequence of bytes, whatsoever, that it is a criminal act to store or transmit.

are there any matrix clients that i can use that don't immediately phone home on startup? every one i have tried thus far connects to a bunch of hosts that aren't my homeserver.

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@chuculate @icedquinn i think rms is a perfect example as to why this statement is false, tbh. he is harming free software right now.

you're not wrong, rms, you're just an asshole. @smooky @icedquinn yeah it will go nowhere though because rms is a bad and divisive and unnecessary-drama-causing leader, which is why he got kicked out of the first one.

@northernlights @alrs i'm not really sure how to continue to discuss this topic with you if you aren't interested in an intellectual and respectable conversation of the facts, so i guess this is thread mute. please be well.

@northernlights @alrs they are indeed incredibly stupid, but your own decision to not take a rational approach to *what he actually said* versus what people said that he said is perhaps telling.

@northernlights @alrs that said, his inability or unwillingness to communicate in a way that doesn't confuse and anger normal people is a strong argument for his not being a board member of anything

@northernlights @alrs saying he is skeptical of the claim that voluntary pedophilia harms children DOES NOT EQUAL saying that voluntary pedophilia does not harm children (or that he believes voluntarily pedophilia does not harm children). they are ABSOLUTELY not the same statement.

rms is a hacker, and you have to read what he says in a very literal and explicit manner, or you will read what you imagine he is implying, which is usually wrong.

@northernlights @alrs his claim
was about his being skeptical. he did not make any statement about the harm being real or not, he did not make any statement about pedophilia being good or bad. we should always promote skepticism and scientific inquiry and thought. it isn't anti-x to say "i am skeptical of x". sure, but that approach is wrong because rms is a bad leader.

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