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@zeh you meant it sarcastically, but it's actually true. there's a doublespeak involved in saying "anti-fascists", as there is a distinct group of people called "anti-fascists" which is not coterminous/congruent with "people who are against fascism", and, indeed, does not even denote the same ideology, as one might assume from the name. one can be against fascism *and* against communism/socialism, and would probably not be accepted in most circles of declared "anti-fascists".

@arran there's nothing wrong with releasing your software under the GPL (other than the implied violence of copyright enforcement by the state for GPL violations).

i release all my code under the WTFPL (aka public domain) because copyrights are inherently violent.

i have been saying for years that cryptocurrencies pose a direct threat to sovereign control over money, and that countries are going to slowly realize this and do everything they can to kneecap them, or ban them outright.

they've done the ignore and ridicule parts already. next they will try to fight it by attacking the core principles: the ability to withdraw to self-custody. india is already considering an outright ban on possession/trade.

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zeynep tufekci points out a very important thing: in biden's first press conference yesterday he was asked about re-election (4 years away), the filibuster (which is out of his hands), and trump (fucking clownshoes lol)


the press in the USA is a laughingstock. BITFD.

key lime pie flavor Bang is easily twice as delicious as any other energy drink ever made

who started the insane and terrible tradition of naming bills something idiotic so they make a catchy acronym

@utzer this means nothing to me without a 1701-D for scale.

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linked lists be like
i know i guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy

what are the present theories around the x-37b's current classified mission?

is this an antisatellite platform? surveillance? an orbital weapons platform of some kind?

@pt2121 it's not that many, i have five when i'm at home. one for personal use, one for work use, one for secure use. (that's not even counting the windows burner laptop to run rando chip flashers and radio programmer apps)

ever greet, run by the same people as ever given, has just been rerouted to go south around africa (adding 12 days to its trip), strongly suggesting that it will be at least two weeks before the suez canal is working again.

@duponin i don't think it's safe to assume that the S3 docs apply to anything other than S3. does scaleway even have a glacier-equivalent? AFAIK it's never been leaked how glacier actually works - some guess disc-based, some are guessing tape, some are guessing slow hdds that are usually powered down... but nothing authoritative.

@icedquinn nobody forced him to resign. he could have resigned voluntarily, or been fired. his *leaving* wasn't voluntary (because you need two parties to consent to have a job) - his resignation was.

@berkes it says right on a masto instance's about page, linked from the homepage.


@pt2121 i've done this for years at a time. you'll need several laptops (min 3, in my case) and excellent luggage, and i recommend staying in each place at least 30 days (unless it sucks and you gotta bounce).

@duponin i think it stays in glacier and when you restore it makes a temporary copy in S3, it doesn't need to "go back" because it stays in glacier the whole time until you explicitly delete it

@arran if i'm free to use the software for any legal purpose, i'm free to modify it to provide services to people (and preserve those modifications as private!)

@arran furthermore it was only developed in response to the "ASP loophole", as if running a service provider and offering *service* (not software) were a loophole to be eradicated.

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