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@arran the agpl says you have to provide the source of your private fork if you use the software to offer service via the internet. you do not have to publish the source if you make a private fork and run it only locally. this means you are compelled to publish source for starting a webserver process. this is insane. the whole point of free software is to be able to build on and improve it, and the source code to a network service is useless to most other than the api operator.

@search_social free software refers to your freedoms to use and modify it. it does not refer to any right you have to participate in software-producing organizations. you're free to fork; there is no guarantee anyone else will accept your patches or even talk to you. you seem to be conflating the two.

indeed, FAANG wouldn't do free software at all if they couldn't ignore contributions at will. good luck patching out chromium spying upstream.

@icedquinn watch this exact seek position in the projared explanation video:

he resigned from his business association even after claiming to have done nothing wrong, to minimize the collateral damage to the org.

@redneonglow so-called "ethical source licenses" are nonfree and the fsf recognizes this, even without stallman. i believe that this. i'm even more of an extremist on this topic and believe that the so-called "ASP loophole" isn't a loophole at all and is working as intended, and that the AGPL is similarly nonfree.

the reason i am so pro-freedom-of-association is the same reason i am so pro-freedom-of-speech and pro-right-to-bear-arms: because these are essential tools for our society's continued correct and productive functioning. if we lose them, like a keystone, the rest of the good in our society will crumble - sometimes slowly (freedom of association), sometimes rapidly (freedom of speech, RKBA)

@redneonglow correlation is not causation, and your second sentence is speculation, not fact.

@icedquinn eich voluntarily resigned because he recognized that he was no longer an effective leader of his organization (regardless of where the blame for that lies). whether or not someone else pointed that out to him is immaterial: he was at least smart enough to know that he was a bad leader and harming the organization.

@redneonglow example: calling your boss a fuckhead isn't a serious crime, it's even explicitly protected expression. you have the human right to call your boss a fuckhead. they have the right to revoke their consent to your continued employment.

@redneonglow a job is an agreement between two parties to do x in return for y. either party can revoke consent at any time for any reason, that's how consent works. literally *anything* that the counterparty wants *should* disqualify you from having *that* job, as a job requires *mutual consent*.

there is zero evidence whatsoever to support the "left-wing political plot" theory. tbh you sound like the last US president when you make those claims.

@Hyolobrika that cuts both ways, though! organizations should be free to *avoid* people, organizations, or anything they don't like or agree with.

@icedquinn neither of those seem like witchhunts, but credible accusations.

in the past, a witchhunt meant they burned the victim at the stake. now, a witchhunt means the victim will be relegated to shitposting PR disasters to their own website using only emacs, which is basically the same thing

the complaints in the pro-rms camp have mostly been of the "but where does the SJWing stop? this will ruin us" variety, claiming that this is a political plot to undermine... something or other, after "cancelling" rms. i've yet to see any of those people refute the "rms is a yucky creep who isn't good at leadership" claim, which, in my view, is sufficient on its face to kick him out.

sneak boosted

i guess that i don't think it's something new or novel ("cancel culture") that associating with unpopular people makes your board/conference/project unpopular. if you choose to sit at the toe jam kids' table, don't be surprised when nobody else wants to sit near you in class.

what are the actual real-world feasible potential solutions to the problem of moving the EVER GIVEN?

@sheetposter @r000t right now the kiwifarms instance is batting 100% at never producing anything of value. next time this happens i'm muting the instance instead of just the user.

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