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somehow you always knew it would be those dumb motherfuckers in the 586....

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The moral of Frankenstein is that if you make a monster you should give it a cool name because otherwise people will just use your name for the monster instead.

if you're not watching the volcano livestream you are fucking up

writing prompt: you have a black box a-la-Janek that can instantly factor any large number for free. this capability permits you to break RSA at will.

what are the next 20 things you do? be very specific.

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@selfsame ahh now this person thinks two steps ahead

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@freemo yeah intellectual property is a fairy tale, made up by people who want to do violence to protect their non-property-based revenue streams. you can't own numbers, full stop.

it's a clear violation of the NAP to threaten me with a gun because of files on my hard drive that i sent to some other person.

i'm with asimov: violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

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log in to fedex
please move this delivery to another address
:blobfoxgoogly: haha you gotta have a fedex account
ok give me a throwaway account i will use just this once
:blobfoxgoogly: sorry fren you gotta give us a number and have us SMS it so we can use it as a tracking beacon
ok now will you let me move the mail delivery over one mailbox
:blobfoxgoogly: loading. nevermind. loading. nevermind. loading. :revblobfoxwashingmachine:

ah good. infinite trash loop while react loads the page and forgets the page and reloads the page.
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@lain do people generally like it when the weird grey skin part is left on the salmon? my autist ass always trims it off because i desire my individual food items to be as homogenous as possible

@kino not able to reproduce from my (major/popular) vpn provider, videos still play fine.

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google has recently just started straight-up blocking access to youtube if you're behind a vpn. not even asking for captcha, just outright denying access to videos. you can browse the website, they just won't let you view any content.

copyrights, including those used to enforce free software licenses, are inherently violent because they ultimately depend on state violence (a cop with a gun) or threat of same to enforce them. without an armed pig, copyrights are just fairytales told by congress to media companies.

@icedquinn @footjamfan @r000t lol we are talking about copyrights here which are legal fictions invented by the state and only enforceable by state violence anyway. you can tone down the revolutionary rhetoric and remember that you can always just pirate the codez

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