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google will upload images you view in your browser to google, and the only way to disable this in organization browser management is under "accessibility" settings. not being spied on by big G is now an accessibility setting.

chromeos management allows human beings without a soul who are working as system administrators to rob you of the small joy of being able to play the dinosaur jumping game in chrome when offline

@vaartis homebrew doesn't suck because it's written in ruby, it sucks because it's written by the homebrew maintainers. they don't give a fuck about privacy or free software.

(what spyware is enabled by default in ubuntu?)

@vaartis the debian maintainers patch out the phone-home in most apps they distribute. homebrew has nonconsensual spyware built in that phones home to google every app you install.

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#Facebook does not respect your privacy nor your personal data. #DeleteFacebook

someone posted all of the palantir employees in the facebook dump. maybe never hire anyone on this list?

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guys will stop texting u then pick the conversation back up and think u dont know they got greedy and got shut down elsewhere. dumbass now ur back to sq 1 gj
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weekly reminder to start your own god damned instance already

host your own (feel free to reach out if you need any help):

or have someone else host for you (for a fee):

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“America’s fundamental laws exist to make the job of law enforcement not easier but harder. This isn’t a bug, it’s a core feature of democracy. In the American system, law enforcement is expected to protect citizens from one another. In turn, the courts are expected to restrain that power when it’s abused, and to provide redress against the only members of society with the domestic authority to detain, arrest, and use force”

Excerpt From
Permanent Record
Edward Snowden

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me: *is among top 20 mentioned users on fedi*

also me: *is on fediblock list*

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datasheets that look like summoning circles/magic incantations

@w96k people continue to make communities there because the users are there.

great article from @w96k about being arrested and convicted and jailed in moscow on the basis of a bunch of pig lies:

@w96k telegram is unsafe as it is not end-to-end encrypted. leave it if you can.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!